Chapter 8

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Symone sat on the bed, toying with her phone, debating on what to do

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Symone sat on the bed, toying with her phone, debating on what to do.

She had finished crying for what felt like the millionth time since she had trapped herself in this hotel room. The past five days all blurred into one lonely emotional coaster. And she didn't know if she was ready to turn her phone back on and get back to the real world.

The first place she thought of going as soon as she left Levi was New York. The state held a special place in her heart, and for many reasons too long to explain, and it felt like home for her. And she felt like taking the spur of the moment flight over would make her emotions easier to process.

She was quickly proven wrong.

Letting out a breath, she pressed the power button, watching the apple symbol illuminate on her screen just as there was a loud knock on her suite door.

Assuming it was the hotel cleaning service, she got up, setting her phone to the side, and went to the door.

Once she opened it, she was surprised by who was on the other side, holding a bag of Wendy's and a cup holder with drinks and Frosty's. Raya Davidson looked impatient as she stood, waiting for the her to appear at her door.

"Do you know how hard it was to track you down?" Raya demanded, raising an eyebrow.

"How did you even-"

"I know you, and Marcus called me." She responded, walking forward, making Symone slide to the side to let her through, closing the door behind her. Her eyes watched as Raya set down the food on the coffee table. "You've been missing, not answering people's phone calls. What is going on, Symone?" Her concern was apparent as she turned to her.

Only Raya would go ghost for a couple months and pop up without an explanation in a time of need. One thing Symone could say that didn't change after their disbandment was the fact that when they needed each other, they were always there.

No matter what.

"Levi and I are done," Symone told her.

"Seriously?" Raya asked, hesitantly raising an eyebrow, not knowing if she should believe it. "Like, for real for real?"

"Yeah." She nodded. "I moved out, and it's just done. Over." Biting her lip softly, she walked behind one of the couches and rested her elbows along the top. "That's what's going on."

"You moved out?!" Raya repeated shocked. "Symone that's your house."

"I know."

"Maybe I've been gone a little too long 'cause last time I checked you pay for everything."

"I still do."

"Then why aren't you in it?!"

Raya was a boss, she made that known. That's what made her a great lead singer and leader. She demanded attention, and she knew how to get it. She would be the first person to voice her opinion and make sure her girls got their shine, recognition, and money. So best believe she did not take this news lightly.

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