Chapter 10

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"So, how are you feeling, on some real shit?" Vante wondered as he sat across from Symone

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"So, how are you feeling, on some real shit?" Vante wondered as he sat across from Symone. The two of them were having a couple drinks together, having one last deep talk before Devante had to go back on tour the next morning.

"I'm okay." She sighed. "If I don't think about it, it doesn't really affect me." She looked down at her half-empty cup. "But I think about it all the time."

"What part about it hurts the most?"

"That I hurt him." She didn't hesitate to respond. "He's really a good guy Vante, you know that."

"Sometimes things just don't work out, Mo. You can't beat yourself up. From what I know, you did the right thing."

"I fell out of love with him, and I led him on. That was a bitch move."

"But you cut that shit off. And it was to benefit the both of y'all. Not all decisions are easy, but I'm glad you did this."


"So I don't gotta run into you somewhere and see you looking miserable 'cause shit got worse. 'Cause that's the only way shit would've gone if you decided to stick around, or maybe even worse. Trust me, I've been there."

Symone just nodded her head, remembering how it was for him after walking away from a five-year relationship. What caused the ultimate end, was him figuring out she was cheating on him. And that was well after he realized the relationship wasn't what it used to be, but cared too much to walk away.

Then Symone realized why Marcus picked Vante out of all people to live with. They could relate on another level compared to the other people around her. Through his words of wisdom, she could heal. And even though she wasn't sure she was ready to heal, she was ready to have someone to let all of her thoughts out to.

And Devante was that guy.

"You over her yet?" Symone asked, pouring a little more alcohol into her cup.

"Yeah. It's been like two years."

"You ready for anything new?"

"Hell no."

A smirk came on her face, seeing her suspicions were right. He wasn't over her. "That's what I thought."

"They're two very different concepts."

"Ehh." She took a sip of her drink.

"They are!"

"Alright." She shrugged with a smile. "Whatever you say."

Vante just gave her a look that made her laugh. A furry ball of cuteness nudging at her foot that made her look down. "Hey, Max." She smiled, swiftly picking him the dog, starting to play with him. "Hey, baby."

Symone was going to get through her days just fine, even if her therapist was getting back to a lingerie fest of a tour. She had his dogs by her side to make sure she never got lonely.

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