Chapter 12

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The two's laughter filled the area as they sat across from each other

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The two's laughter filled the area as they sat across from each other. After getting a text the day before, Michael knew she couldn't miss the opportunity to reconnect with an old friend. Trinity's very first DJ, Romeo. These days he spent his time being a father and getting cash making club appearances and playing a couple sets. And he just so happened to book a club appearance in the area and had to pop up on her.

 And he just so happened to book a club appearance in the area and had to pop up on her

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"So, what's been going on with you? Music-wise?" He wondered curiously. "I haven't been hearing any rumbling 'bout you in these streets."

"Because there's nothing to rumble about." She denied with a smile, taking a sip of her drink. "I haven't made music in over a year."

"You're joking." Romeo instantly responded, not expecting that. "Why the hell not?"

"Because my son's been taking up my time, and I'm making sure Derek doesn't break himself on the court. Just 'cause I live a quiet like out here doesn't mean it's not busy."

"Don't you miss it?"

"Not really." She admitted. "I know, it sounds crazy." She added as she caught the look on his face. "But, I'm happy." A smile came to her face. "Slowing down the pace of everything was a good choice for me. With the girls, it was just a constant go, go, go mentality, y'know? This is a lot more calm and fulfilling."

"Fulfilling?" Romeo repeated with amusement.

"Nigga, personally fulfilling. I have a family, a perfect son, and a man who I get to share my life with. I do charity work occasionally, being the best person I can be."

"That sounds nice. I'm happy for you on that." He smiled. "Toast to that." He rose his glass, Michael just clicking hers with his with a smile.

"Now, what do I gotta do to get an invite to this club you partying at?" She questioned.

"Oh, so you tryna come through?" Romeo asked with a chuckle.

"Of course I'm tryna come through. Boy, just because I'm a mom doesn't mean I can't get down with the get down."

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