Chapter 32

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As much as Raya didn't want to leave Michael, especially when Derek literally walked out on her, she and Symone had to get back to their lives

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As much as Raya didn't want to leave Michael, especially when Derek literally walked out on her, she and Symone had to get back to their lives. After comforting Mikey for the rest of the day, the two took separate flights out of Michigan the next afternoon.

And unfortunately for Raya, getting back to her life meant trying to figure out what she was gonna do about Chance. The first thing that came to her mind was to work it out in the studio.

She didn't want to go to him talking crazy. So, she decided that setting up a studio session to get out her feelings was her best bet. And Eric was more than shocked when Raya came into the spot requesting a ballad when he had to force one out of her all those months ago.

"Just keep the track on, and I'll just go in and do my thing," Raya instructed as she got up and walked into the booth. She took her time, allowing herself to get comfortable, taking a seat, slipping on the headphones, and clearing her throat with a cough before taking a sip of water. Then she gave Eric a thumbs up to start the track.

She'd only been in her session for thirty minutes, and they had all the basics down, a melody and a flow. All she had to do was sing the couple lines of lyrics she jotted down and freestyle the rest until she came up with something good.

The most important thing to her was to say how she truly felt.

That's how the best songs were created

"Falling back into old habits ain't always the right thing, but if it means coming back to you maybe it's a good thing." She sang softly into the mic in the dim-lit booth. "Cause this love won't ever die, I was just saving it all for you, and this love won't ever die 'cause this heart only beats for you."

Raya a little too wrapped up in her feelings to notice someone crashing her studio session.

Chance walked into the room with a smile, hoping that poping in and surprising Raya with her favorite food would make up for the fact he went MIA on her for so long.

He thought that keeping his distance would be best because he was serious about not wanting to continue to hurt her. She wanted one last time, and that was what he gave her. And by her lack of communication, he thought that was all it was gonna be. But after getting a text from Mo alluding that Raya had to get some things to get off her chest, he was a little too curious to see what that was about.

"What's going on?" He smiled, dapping up the familiar faces around the room, getting greeted with the same enthusiasm. "What's she working on?" He stood next to Eric, watching as she sang with her eyes closed, in her own world.

"Listen." Eric encouraged.

"So take it all take it all, and baby if you let me down, I won't feel foolish, I won't feel stupid, take it all baby, just take it all, 'cause it's always been for you anyways, what's love without a little heartbreak."

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