Chapter 35

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Symone woke up with reality hitting her in an instant as she felt the presence of another body lying next to her

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Symone woke up with reality hitting her in an instant as she felt the presence of another body lying next to her. A smile made its way on her face as she allowed her mind to think back and remember why the night before was so significant.

It was good.

That was the main conclusion that she drew the more she thought about it. Turning onto her side, she looked at Alex, who was sound asleep next to her with the sheets draped over him, her toned and tatted left arm on full display. 

She didn't know what his thoughts were gonna be when he woke up, but she hoped they'd be positive. She didn't want any regrets. Because she didn't have any.

And with a soft breath, she slipped out of bed, adjusting the nightie she managed to throw on after they were done for the night. She made her way to the bathroom, where she brushed her teeth before getting into the shower.

She had night rehearsals with her tour dancers, but the rest of the day was free. Meaning that she had time to make herself a good breakfast and relax for the majority of the day. Considering how busy she had been as of late, Alex sure as hell picked the right night to pull up on her.

After her shower, she hummed to herself as she looked through her closet for something to throw on. Seeing that it was only getting warmer in Cali, she opted for a romper, topped off with a comfortable cardigan. Once she was dressed she walked back into the bedroom, struggling to take her hair out of its bun, finding Alex awake in bed.

"Morning." She greeted with a soft smile as she shook out her hair, trying to get the hair tie out. "Ow." She winced as she successfully got it out, missing the smile that grew on Alex's face as he watched her.

Even though it might not seem like it, he didn't pull up on Symone with the intention to spend the night. He thought that they would argue, go back and forth, and he'd say something to convince her that she was being stupid and make her realize she didn't need to go out exploring in the streets when she had a perfectly good guy willing to give her what she deserved.

Well... he was gonna say it in a cooler way than all that, but that was basically the gist of it.

Him leaning in and kissing her was purely impulse, and the rest, the rest was just the two of them seizing the moment. Symone had been in a year-long drought, and Alex wanted a taste of something he was told he couldn't have. And he got more than a taste.

"Morning." He responded back, sitting up a little straighter. "You got somewhere you need to be?"

"Not right now, no. You?"

He shook his head. "Nope."

"Want some eggs and pancakes?"

"I mean," rubbing the back of his head. "If you're already gonna make 'em."

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