29 September 2014

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"Come home early, alright?"

"Don't worry aunt. I'll take care of that."

"Did you take your medicines, Emily?"

"Yes ma'am. I took them half an hour ago. I think we should leave now."

"Sure! See you in sometime aunt Cara."

I leaned down to plant a kiss on her cheeks before we left.

Emily and I took their car and started our journey to Raleigh. 

Yesterday after talking to Emily's doctor, I came to know that there is no way I could get back her entire memory back. But I can still help to retrieve some parts of it. 

I was definitely sad to hear that my Emily wouldn't be the same as before. But then I was glad that things could still get better. And so I was taking her to Raleigh. I decided to take her back to that apartment, to all the places we have ever been to and to tell her the stories behind each one of them. 

"So why did you think of taking me to Raleigh of all the places?"

"You'll know the reasons when we get there."

And then as usual, there was a sudden silence which stayed for most part of our journey.


Within a few hours, we were in Raleigh and in another few minutes we reached the place where she lived earlier.

"Woah! Why are we here?"

"This is the place where you used to live earlier."

Her expressions changed suddenly.



"Can I go and see?"

"Maybe. Let's go up and check. "


"Yes Emily?"

"If you don't mind can I hold your hand? I don't feel good."

"Of course."

She passed me a smile and then tightly clutched my hand.

We together went upstairs and talked to the person who now lived there. 

Luckily, today he was in a good mood and thus allowed us to get in. 

Not that I remembered everything but at least I knew more than she did. And plus she had told me about a number of things in the letters as well. So it was easier to tell her about 'us' . I told her about the days when we were together; about how I had to secretly come to her place on her birthday; about how we had first made love here; and about how 'we' existed back then.

She soon started crying after listening to the entire story.

"Why are you crying Emily?"

"B..beca..use I..I f..feel b..bad ri..right n.now."

I wiped her tears and hold her face in my hands.

"Look at me Emily. You don't have to feel bad about all this. You don't lose your memory because of yourself. It's just your bad days are not leaving you. But don't worry. I'll do everything I can to get back your memory. And all this won't stop me from loving you neither am I gonna leave you now. Things will soon be better. Trust me."

As soon as I stopped speaking, she pulled me into a hug and cried a bit more. And soon after that we left her place.

For a few more hours, we stayed in Raleigh and I took her to almost all those places that belonged to us. 

At times she cried and at times she laughed. But she stayed with me. And hence I now know that a new chapter of our life will soon begin.

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