28 August 2014

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"You are too slow Jer! Run!"

"I'm tlying but I fall down evelytime."

"Oh sweetie! I'll help you out."


Enough of these nightmares. What is happening to me? Who was that in my dream? It can't be my sister. It can't be Elena. I don't know anything about family because....because I am an orphan. Why did Elena write to me then?

My life completely sucks.

I took my pills and walked down to watch TV.

As soon as I switched on the TV the doorbell rang. I rushed to the door to take the letter from the postman.

"Good morning sir."

"Good morning."

"Here is your letter. Have a nice day sir!"

"Thank you."

I took the letter and closed the door.

Today there was the letter along with an iPod. Seriously?

Dear Stranger,

Don't think that I have given you that iPod forever because I know we are gonna meet again and that day I'll be taking back my iPod. This was the only iPod I have ever had and all thanks to Aunt Cara who had gifted me this.

By the way do you even know why have I given you this? Wait. Why do I even ask you these question. I know your memory is so weak that you don't even remember what someone said to you yesterday. Anyways, it's story time then!

Aunt Cara had given me this on my 16th birthday. Since that day this iPod was my closest friend. I'd keep on listening to songs day and night. They just added a meaning to my life. I listened to mainly the soft romantic songs. But then you came and you changed my entire playlist. You added all those songs by Linkin Park, Green Day and all the other "too-loud-bands" . But it still had my songs by Taylor Swift, Lady Antebellum, One Direction,Ed Sheeran and others.

All this happened when you had helped me out to shift to my new place. Whenever I started playing my songs, you'd come and change them.

Slowly, we began listening to all these songs together; be it a Taylor Swift's break up song or Linkin Park's about-to-make-us-deaf song, we listened to them together. And I actually loved sharing the earphone with you. We'd sit together, entwine our fingers, lay down with my head on your chest and listen to these songs till the sun rose again.

So I am giving this iPod to you again so that you can listen to these songs again.

I love you stranger.

And I love my iPod too! Take care of it.



Where are my earphones?

Hello everyone! I have updated two chapters in a day and so I am tired now. But I am up to listen to what you people think about this chapter and this book.

I want to thank everyone who is reading this for giving me so much love and support. It means a lot to me!

Just a few questions for you all : Is this book getting boring? Do you think that you'll accompany me on this journey for 3 months(i.e. 90 letters) ?
Please lemme know about your thoughts.

Playlist -All of the stars by Ed Sheeran

Thank you!


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