17 September 2014

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She kissed Ethan? She kissed someone else? 

No! This is just not the truth! Emily loves me! She has been writing to me every single day since last month. You don't do these things for them whom you don't love, do you?

I have been asking about this to my mother since yesterday but all she says is "Your heart knows the truth". Can somebody please tell me what does that mean? My heart says it that this ain't the truth but then my mind says that indeed it is and this is the thing that has been haunting me for so many days. My heart says she loves me but then my mind says that I don't even remember most of the things. 

"Ma, could you please stop playing with me and tell me what is the f**king truth?!"

"Jer, I....I .."

"Spill it!"

"She did. She did kiss him but..."


I rushed to the door to take the letter from Peter. I want a letter from Emily today and not that idiotic bitch! I want to listen what Emily has for me. 

"Good morni..."

"Not today Peter. Letter?"

He quietly handed me the letter and walked away. 

I sat there at the door step and took out the letter from the envelope. To my surprise, the handwriting was different yet again but it wasn't of Emily.

Dear Stranger,

Hey. It's me Aunt Cara who is writing this letter to you. Emily is not well or rather I should say she is in the hospital now. Somebody had hit her head with a rod. The injury is not very severe but still it has been 3 days and she is still unconscious. The doctors have conducted a number of tests as they suspect of something else too.

I came to know about this only yesterday and so you didn't get any letters for the past 2 days. I am sorry for that.

You don't have to worry much about her. She'll be fine in sometime. 

I don't know what to write and say to you. All this feels so awkward. It's been a long time since we talked and to be true I miss you too. You were like a son to me. And moreover, you were the biggest reason why my Emily smiled day and night. You had actually added meaning to her life.

Maybe requests won't work but still I beg you to come back to my girl. I agree she did some mistakes but then it wasn't entirely her fault. In fact, you aren't aware of the other half of the story. 

Emily had asked me not to discuss this as she wanted to reveal it all by herself but I don't think I can keep it to myself for any longer. Yesterday, even in an unconscious state when she came back to us for a while, she asked for you. She was looking for you. And so I need to tell you the other half.

That day when you had seen Ethan kissing Emily, you just ran away without even trying to know what had exactly happened. Emily even tried to tell you the whole episode over the phone when you were driving but you didn't listen. 

After you ran away, Emily had pushed Ethan away and slapped him. She didn't like what Ethan did and was so ashamed of herself. She cried for weeks because of what Ethan did to her and moreover there was this news of your accident which made things even worse. The next time when she met you, she was heartbroken as you failed to recognize her. I don't blame you for that. 

She isolated herself from everything around her and didn't talk to anyone for almost a year. But then she decided to bring you back to her. And that was when she started writing these letters.

I hope she is successful.

Do come back to her.



No! No! No!

Why am I so stupid?

Hey everyone! 

I am so in love with all of you! No words can express how much grateful to you. The way you people support me, encourage me and love me is just so overwhelming!

My book is #27 in Short Story!! I never thought of achieving all this but you people made it possible. 

Thank you so much!! <3 :")

Not only this. Fridays-sisters are translating my book into Spanish. So you can read "From A Stranger" in Spanish now. (If you know how to)

I love you!

Take care everyone!

Playlist - Stitches by Shawn Mendes


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