16 September 2014

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"I am sorry!"

"She cheated you!"

"She is a bitch."

"I love you."

"Go away Emily."

NO!! Stop it. Stop! Stop!

"Jer? What is wrong dear? Why are you shouting at the middle of the night? Did you see a nightmare?"

My mother was sleeping right beside me.

I got up and hugged her at once. Tears were flowing down my eyes.

"Jer? What is it dear?"

"Mom, I love her. I do love her and I can't let her die. I want to meet her. But there is something that I am still not aware of!"

"Jer, you'll know everything when the time comes. And don't worry. Nothing will happen to her."

I kept my head on her lap and soon fell asleep.


"Are you alright now?"

"Yes ma. Thank you."


It must be Peter.

I rushed to the door to take the letter.

"Good morning sir."

"Hi Peter. The letter?"

"Here it is."

I took the letter and without saying a goodbye to Peter, rushed in.

When I opened the envelope, I saw a few newspaper clippings along with the letter.

The newspaper clippings were about an accident. It was not a major headline but yes it was mentioned in 2 or 3 newspapers. When I read it, I knew that today I am going to get answers of all my questions.

Dear Jeremy,

It's me, Samara and not your very own bitch Emily. She is still sleeping their on the hospital bed. I wish that she sleeps forever. Fingers crossed.

Anyways, did you see those clippings? You must have read it by now. And so you must be knowing a little about your past; at least about your memory loss thing.

But that is not enough, is it? Nah! So here I am to tell you your entire story. 

I don't remember the date but I guess it was your mom's birthday. You too were out for a walk and that is when you met Ethan on your way. He was half drunk or rather completely drunk.

Now one thing that you must know here is that Ethan loved Emily for way too long. They used to work together and were pretty good friends.

When you three met, Emily and Ethan started talking. You did not like the fact that your girlfriend is talking with someone else and so left them together and walked away to get some "fresh air".This is where you made your mistake or rather it was a good decision because you finally got to see the true colors of your bitch. 

When you returned back, from a distance you saw Ethan kissing a girl. You knew it was Emily but you didn't want to agree to that. But the truth was in front of your eyes. 

You couldn't bear seeing that scene and so walked away. You rushed back to your car and drove as fast as you could. 

Your vision was blurred because of tears, your heart was heavy, your mind was occupied and you soul was broken. That was when you had come to me and said that you love me. (We were friends back then.)

I couldn't be any happier. I hugged you and confessed that I love you too. But you soon left.

I thought that was all real but soon I came to know about this truth. But words once spoken cannot be taken back. And so I made up my mind that you love me and that we are bound to be together.

The next thing that happened is written on those newspaper clippings.

So as you can see, I am not wrong, okay? I am just trying to get my thing back from that bitch! Yes. BITCH. 

I hope now you know who's good and who's not.

Take care baby!

I love you!

Yours and only yours


P.S. Don't think too much about the actual source of information.

Why did I survive that accident?


Hello everyone! 

I know I told you that I won't be updating before 9th but I couldn't stop myself from doing it today. I just missed you guys too much! :")

So here is the next letter. And now a major part of the mystery is revealed but there are things to be revealed yet. So keep reading!

And yes,....

Thank you so much for all your love and support! This book already has more than 10.8k views and more than 1.6k votes!! This is pure madness!


I love you! <3

Take care.

Playlist - Heart Attack by Enrique Iglesias 


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