20 August 2014

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I woke up today with a severe headache. It felt as if someone was crushing my head.

These things had been so frequent in the past few days. I don't know what was wrong. The reports were pretty normal and the doc said not to worry.

As I was having my breakfast, the doorbell rang. I knew who it would be - the postman.

I rushed to the door but to my surprise I saw someone whom I had never wanted to see again - Elena.

"Hi Jeremy."

"What are you doing here? How many times am I suppose to tell you that I don't want to meet you!"

"Jeremy you have got to listen me!"

"Go to hell! I don't even wish to see you. I loved you with all my heart. I loved you the way I never loved anyone. And what did you do? You dumped me! You back stabbed me! You went ahead and kissed some random guy!"

"That wasn't me Jer...."

"I said go to hell Elena! And never come back!"

I closed the door on her face.

It took me a moment to realize that tears were flowing down my cheeks and my heart was beating profoundly.

I don't remember when was the last time I cried.

Just then the doorbell rang again and I opened the door to see the postman standing with the letter in his hand.

"Sir your letter."

"Thank you."

Did I just say thank you?

He smiled and then went away.

Today, again, there were some photographs along with my letter. Those photographs were of Emily in a beautiful white gown fitting perfectly on her curves and making her look no less than an angel. In some of them, she was with that guy Justin. They were dancing together. Others were of her Aunt and her Uncle; at least that is what I think.

Dear Stranger,

Hey! I am so tired today that I don't think I'd be able to write a long letter. Plus, I have to go out with Justin in some time. But I'll still write as much as I can.

So you have seen the photos, I guess. Tell me how do I look? Justin said I looked hot! Do I? I want to hear it from you. And what do you think about him? He is handsome, right? I know he is. And did you carefully see how young Aunt Cara looked! My goodness. Sometimes I feel as if I am nothing in front of her.

We had a great time yesterday. But Aunt Cara missed you a lot and so did Uncle Kevin. They kept on talking about how on my 17th birthday you had thrown a party that was remarkably awful! Just kidding! It was the best birthday party I ever had. Aunt Cara likes Justin but not as much as she likes you. She asked me why you didn't accompany me this time to which I replied that you are in NY for some work. She still doesn't know about our reality.

Anyways, today Justin and I are going out on a ride. I don't know where are we going. Justin said it's a surprise. Remember the day when we went on a long drive at night? That night I had escaped out of my house without my aunt knowing. It was one of my best nights!

I am going now.

Hope to hear from you at least once.

I love you.



Why do I get a feeling that this guy ain't good?

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