8 August 2014

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As soon as I was about to start my car for going to my shop i.e. the shop where I work, I saw an old slouchy figure moving towards my house. He had a bag on his left shoulder which was full of paper. 


He was the person who brought those letters. 

I rushed to my place in order to tell him not to bring these letters here again. 

"Hey you old man! What are you doing here hun?"

"I have a letter for you sir."

"No bullshit! Take this letter and leave."

"It's your's."

He dropped the letter on the ground and walked away. His age had really affected his minds. 

I picked up the envelope and read those same things again. Today when I opened it I found just the letter. 

Short of gifts eh?

Dear Stranger,

You must be wondering why didn't I send an object along. That is because today I have memories for you. 

Remember 8th of August was so special for us last year? No? Well that was because we celebrated my mom's birthday together and that was the day when we first slept together. NO! We didn't lose our virginity. We just slept on the same bed, under the same sheets and on the same pillow because I was in your arms. It felt so right to be in there! Your arms were just the perfect place for me. 

Later that day we had our first dinner date - candlelight dinner. You had planned everything and your plan was successful too. I still remember the smile on your face. 

This was the day when you first asked me to be your girlfriend in front of my mother i.e. my aunt Cara and she had started crying just because she was too happy for her daughter i.e me. That was awkward. 

Anyways, I am telling all this to you so that you just remember the days we had spent together, the time we were in love. I know somewhere within you still love me. It's just your heart and mind is clouded with some stuffs. I want to clear them out.

I know you love me and I know that you'll come back to me.

I love you stranger!



Let's go to work!

From A Stranger | ✓Where stories live. Discover now