19 September 2014

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I want to meet her. I want to hug her. I want to feel her. And above all I want to love her. I want to show her how much important she is for me. 

But I am scared of meeting her. I am scared of feeling her and I am scared of loving her. 

What if my love ain't enough for her?

What if I can't even love her properly? Because for all these years, I never loved anyone; not even myself. 

What if I lose her this time?

NO! I won't. I just cannot afford to lose her again.

Emily is mine and she'll always be mine!

I'll go and meet her. 



I rushed to the door to take my letter from him.

"Good morning sir!"

"Hello Peter."

"Your letter sir."

"Thank you Peter. Thank you so much."

He gave me a smile and silently walked away.

I walked inside and immediately took the letter out of the envelope and was relieved to see Emily's handwriting.

Dear Stranger,

Hey. How are you? I am all good now. But these hospital people are yet not ready to leave me. Maybe the fell in love with me? But I don't love them. In fact, I hate this place! I just hate it. 

The main reason why I hate hospitals is that it even called you to meet him. How did he even dare doing that! You don't deserve to be in a hospital. But you deserve to live in the most beautiful place of this planet Earth. Because you are the most amazing person, boyfriend,son and brother one could ever ask for.

But then I cannot blame these hospitals only, can I? It was me who sent you here; or rather it was Ethan.

Aunt Cara told me that you already know about him as she wrote to you about it last time. But still I wanted to tell you that I love YOU. I love you Jeremy and this love is gonna stay alive til eternity. I promise you that. 

I can't write much because these nurses have some problem with me.

Hope to see you soon.

Take care!



I love you too Emily. 

But why does she has to tell me about Ethan daily?

Hello everyone! I hope you like the story so far and that you'll stay with Jeremy till the end.

Talking about Emily's letter, thing are gonna be a bit weird from now on. So don't confuse yourself much just trust me. But if you still have some queries or confusion then do let me know.

The next update will be on 14th of December i.e. after 3 days. I am really sorry for this delay but for the next three days I'll be busy as I have a wedding to attend. 


Thank you for all the love and support that you people have given me so far. I am really thankful to you all for this. 

Take care!


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