18 August 2014

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"Yes! I am coming mom. I am on my way. Stop it for a while ma! Yes I have everything!"



Today again I saw a nightmare. But this time it wasn't about a girl but about a mother? What has my mother got to do with this?! And I couldn't even figure out what exactly happened in my dreams.

I went down to drink some water but just then the phone rang.



"Elena ?"

"Yes. It is me."

"What the hell is your problem bitch?! How many times do I need to tell you that stay away from me!"

"But Jeremy you need to know that I am not what you think I am."

"Enough Elena. Don't try and fool me."

And with this I kept the phone down again.

What did she even mean by the statement "I am not what you think I am" ? She is just a backstabber.


I rushed to the door to take my letter.


"My letter."

The guy quickly handed over me the letter and went away.

Today the letter was not from North Carolina but from Miami.

Dear Stranger,

Hey! How are you? I know you must be fine! By the way, did you notice that the letter is from Miami and not from North Carolina? I told you that I'll be in Miami for the next couple of days.

I am having fun here! Justin is really good. He stays with me for most of the time. We went swimming together today. That moment reminded me of the time you had taught me to swim. I was such a terrible swimmer! But it was fun, right? We stayed in the water for hours and hours until our body shrunk.

Aunt Cara is doing fine. The celebration is tomorrow. I don't know what gift should I give her. I mean after my mom and dad left me, she took care of me like her own child. For the past 10 years, she has been my mother. I don't even know how to thank her. In case you think of writing a reply to me do lemme know about your thoughts and suggestions for the gift.

I need to go now! Justin is waiting for me. We are going out movie together!

I miss you.



Why did she even write that she misses him?

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