23 September 2014

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I am standing at the airport with a suitcase, my passport and the tickets in my hand and my flight is about to leave in 40 minutes. There are announcement being made asking the passengers to board the flight. But I am still not clear about what am I to do.

Shall I board the flight and go and meet Emily? Or shall I listen to Aunt Cara and wait for another 2-3 days?


"Umm.. yeah?"

"You are suppose to go and board the flight for Miami, right?"


"Then you should leave now."



"I ain't going. I'll listen to her and stay! I cannot end up spoiling Emily's life. I'll wait."

"Is everything alright sir?"

"Nothing! Just nothing!"

And with the last scream I ran out of the airport and drove back to my place.


I am sitting at my couch with a mug of coffee in my hand. The clock shows 11 AM and Peter hasn't come yet. 

What if he thinks that I already left? Will I not get a letter today then?

As I was busy messing up with my brain, I heard a knock at the door.

I rushed to open the door and saw Peter standing in front.


"Sir? I thought I wouldn't see you here. Were you not gonna leave for Miami today?"

"Yeah I was. But for  some reasons I didn't."

"Oh! Here's your letter sir."

"Thank you Peter."

"I hope and pray everything is alright sir. Have a nice day."

And with that he left the doorsteps of my house.

I stood there with the envelope in my hand and a sense of fear in my heart. For some unknown reasons, I was really scared. But I took out the letter from the envelope and began to read.

Dear Stranger,

I know you must be expecting Emily's words today (if you read these) and you must be really disappointed to see my handwriting but trust me I feel as bad as you do right now. 

You must be thinking why do I not tell you about what is wrong with Emily. And I know how much that irritates someone. So today I'll let you know what is wrong with her. But in return I expect you to listen and follow whatever I say to you. Not only today but from today. Because from today onward till the day you leave your place, I'll tell you all those things that Emily didn't; things that she wanted to say but could never do.

I know everything about you two, Jeremy and I have read every letter that she wrote to you. So don't be shocked to read about the things that I have written.

In one of her letters, Emily had written to you about she losing her weight. One of the prominent reason behind that was she would burn up more calories in crying than she consumed while eating. Things wouldn't have been so bad if this was the only case. 

Emily knows nothing now. She isn't aware of a thing.



NO! Just no!

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