22 September 2014

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Just one more day and I'll be meeting my Emily. Just one more day and I'll be able to tell her how much I love her. Just one more day and then we'll be together forever.

But I am little worried about what Aunt Cara said yesterday. What did she mean when she said Emily is not well? Is she really not well? What is wrong with her but?

I have been thinking about all this since yesterday and it really hurts now.

As I was having my breakfast, the doorbell rang.


I rushed to the door to take my letter from Peter.

"Good morning sir!"

"good morning peter. How are you?"

"I am good sir. Here is your letter."

"Thank you Peter."

"My pleasure sir."

And with that he walked away.

I sat at the stairs near the door and took out the letter from the envelope.

Today again the letter was not from Emily but from Aunt Cara.

Dear Stranger,

I know you are disappointed to see my handwriting instead of Emily's but I guess this your destiny. 

I don't want you to know about all this but I know I'll eventually have to let you know. But for now I am not telling you what is wrong. And one thing that I wanted to tell you was that in case you wish to come here and meet her, please come after 2-3 days because if you come now, things will just get worse than they are right now.

I know it's really rude of me to ask you not to come here and meet her but trust me, I am saying all this for your betterment as well as that of Emily's.

There isn't much to say now. But yes there are somethings which I would like to tell you.

Emily came to know about your accident nearly after a week's time. Secondly, she never stopped loving you and initially when she started writing these letters, all she knew about you was that you were not well but she had no idea about your memory loss. It was only after she met your mother in North Carolina that she came to know about all this. And so after that she was even more firm on her decision of writing the letters to you. 

There were days when she just gave up and lost all hope but most of the time she believed in your love for her and that is what gave her the strength to write to you the next day.

At times she waited for a reply from you - either a good one or a bad one but she never got that. But even then she didn't lose hope and that is why she could write to you for so long.

Jeremy, I know how much you loved her and I know that all these differences has been caused by that stupid accident. And so I know that you can help her out now. She needs you Jer. She really does. But I'll still request you to come later. Just trust me.



What? Another 2-3 days? GOD! Please keep my Emily safe. 

Hello everyone! I am sorry for the delay caused but please try and understand that I was busy with some other stuffs and so couldn't be present here.

I hope you all like the story so far and now that we are nearing the end of this book, I would just like to thank you all again and this time I am more serious than ever. 

My book is #16 at the moment and I couldn't be happier! I have seen how much these characters affect you and to be frank I really love that. I am happy that I could make you people to relate with the characters and feel what they are feeling.

Thank you so much for all the love and support! 


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