25 September 2014

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I don't get this. Why am I still alive? I should be dead by now. 

First. I misunderstood the entire situation earlier and ended up suspecting Emily. 

Second. I met an accident, lost my memory and then lost Emily and my family.

Third. I partially recover to find that Emily has lost her memory now.

Great! Just great! 

Tell me there is more to come. Tell me that this is just the beginning. Tell me that I am facing all these problems as a part of my punishment. 

I was so happy till a few days back. I had planned it all - the meeting, our date, different surprises and had also decided to ask her to marry me. But now all I am gonna do is wait for aunt Cara to tell me when should I come and when she does I'll go there and try and get back Emily's memory. 

Is this some sort of game going on?


There comes the lovely Peter.

I open the door and see Peter standing in front with a gloomy face which was suddenly replaced by a tensed one.

"Sir? Are you alright?"

"None of your concern, mail boy. Just hand over the letter and walk away!"

"Are you drunk?"

"Yes! Any problem? Now give me that damn letter!"

He hurriedly handed me the letter.

"Shall I hel..."


With that last scream, I entered my house and made way to the couch.

I took out the letter from the envelope and saw that aunt Cara was back!

The letters seemed to be dancing but I somehow managed to read.

Dear Stranger,

I guess you know the entire truth now. I can't imagine how much painful this all must be for you. But this is the sad and unfortunate truth.

For now, all that I need to tell you is that how did all this happen. 

Emily had gone into depression a few months back. She wouldn't talk to anyone and hardly came out of her room. She would cry out loud at times or would just stare at the wall in front. We consulted a number of doctors but failed to help her out. Then slowly she started to get better all by herself. We thought it was because of her own will. But little did we know that there was a huge secret behind all this.

She had started taking anti-depressant pills and some other medicines as well without any doctor's consent. These medicines did not show any effect at that time. But after 2-3 months we could notice some adverse effects. She lost appetite and her weight; she started having severe hair fall and grew pretty weak. Slowly, she started losing her memory as well. She wouldn't remember what she said a few minutes back. The only thing that she perfectly remembered was to write you a letter. But now she remembers nearly nothing. She fails to recognize us as well. 

Things are really getting difficult now. Please come here. I don't think there is anybody other than you who can help her out.



WOW! The teacher granted me permission. I am going to meet her. 

Hey! I am sorry that I am not able to update the story daily but that is because I was not well for the past few days and had been busy with other things as well.

Thank you everyone for the wonderful support so far. This journey is about to end and I seriously feel bad about it. But then it had to end at some point of time.

You people are seriously amazing.

By the way, I had written another story named "Cookies". It would mean a lot to me if you would just go and check it out. 

Thank you!

Take care!

And yes MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR! May this new year brings even more happiness and fun. 


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