Entertain Me (lemon)

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Toffeefairy request

⚠️Content warning: mention of knife⚠️


"C/N, come here."

I hear the king's voice echo through the castle, calling for me. I hurriedly leave my bedroom, making my way to the royal hall as quickly as I can manage. As I near the hall, I slow my breathing so it isn't obvious that I struggled to get here in a timely fashion.

"Your first task of the day is to clean this room. Start by dusting the table over there. Make sure to stay quiet, since I have an entertainer coming today."

I bow in front of him, looking up at him.

"Yes, your Majesty."

I stand back up and grab my cleaning supplies, beginning to clean the table near the king's throne.



I turn around, searching for the voice calling my name as I finish adjusting my outfit.

"The king is waiting for you in the royal hall."

My eyes go wide as I nod, hastily exiting the dressing room and rushing through the hallway. The guard walks next to me, leading me to the royal hall. I examine my surroundings as I approach the room, gawking at the luxurious hallway.

This place is huge.

"Here you are, Sir- Ma'am- whatever you may be. Good luck."

I smile politely at the guard as he leaves me at the doorway, walking away. I take a deep breath, recomposing myself.

This is it. If I do well, I get a place to stay for a while. If I don't, I'll be executed. The king is ruthless, so I know he won't go easy on me even if I beg.

I hesitantly open the door, making my way in front of the king and bowing.

"Greetings, your majesty."

"Who are you?"

"I'm the entertainer you hired for today, your majesty. I'm the belly dancer."

The king takes a thorough examination of my body, taking everything in. His eyes start at the top, scanning over my face. His eyes bore deeply into mine, presumably to analyze the neatness of the kohl on my waterline. He sees my red lip color and his eyes linger for a moment, his interest piqued.

The king, then, shifts his focus to the black, nearly transparent cropped top. The top leaves enough to show my abdomen and part of my v-line, leaving the rest of my torso to the imagination. Gold-colored chains dangle from the bottom of the top, making a quiet sound when I move the upper half of my body.

When the king sets his focus on my legs, I notice his breath catching. I look at his eyes for a moment, noticing how his pupils are dilated with apparent arousal.

This will be too easy.

My legs are covered by flowy, black, partially transparent pants that match my top. Gold-colored chains hang from the waistband of my pants in a similar fashion to the matching ones on my top.

The king looks back up at me, clearing his throat and attempting to regain his composure.

"Alright, then. Begin the performance."

The king claps in the direction of the musicians, prompting them to begin playing. They frantically comply, cueing the beginning of my performance for the king. I put on my confident & seductive facade, a large shift from my usual shy, more reserved demeanor.

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