Coffee (lemon + fluff)

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I approach the front door of the cafe and look through the clear glass, watching as a handful of tired young adults wait in line for their daily dose of caffeine. A college student is seen at a table near a window, typing away on their computer.

I open the front door to the cafe, letting myself in and getting behind everyone else in line. The other people in the cafe don't acknowledge me, their focus shifting back to their phones or their spot in line. I take a look up at the menu, searching the screen for what I want to order.

I can't go through the full list of pastries before I hear the door abruptly open and shut. I glance toward the door and see a disheveled -looking man who seems like he just got back from Hell (Heather's fans wya?).

I find myself with an affectionate smile on my face at the sight, blinking a few times before returning my focus to the line in front of me. Soon after, I feel a presence behind me and slightly turn my head to meet his eyes.

"Hi. Sorry about all of... that. What's your name?"

"Y/N. What's yours?"


C/N shakes my hand, and I hear the cashier calling for someone to put in their order next. The voice catches my attention and I look over, nodding and turning back to C/N.

"I need to order. Maybe we can sit at a table together and continue talking once both of us have our orders. How does that sound, Y/N?"

I slightly smile and nod, watching as C/N goes to the counter to order his coffee. Since the cafe isn't too busy, he gets his order generally quickly. I get a glimpse of his cup, curious as to what's in it.

You know what? I'll order the same thing he's having. It looks really good.

"I'll take whoever's next."

I step up to the counter.

"What would you like to order Sir- I mean Ma'am- Sir- whatever you identify as. I can't really tell, and I don't want to assume anything and upset you. What'll it be?"

I chuckle softly, smiling with amusement.

"I'm a guy. Thank you, though. Is it possible for me to have what the last guy had? What he had looked really good, and you know I always like trying new things."

"Sure, it's no problem. That'll be $7.29."

I pull the proper amount of money from my wallet and put it into the counter, observing as she puts the money into the cash register.

"It'll only be around a two minute wait. What's your name?"


"Alright, Y/N. I'll call your name when it's ready."

I nod in understanding, waiting near the counter as they get my order done. C/N walks over to me, giving me a shy smile.

Heh, cute.

"You got the same thing I got, didn't you, Y/N?"

"Indeed, I did."


"I don't know. It just looked really good, and I've been craving a change in my order recently."

"I take it you don't really like doing the same things over and over."

"That's correct. I get bored with most things really quickly. I need to be in a constantly changing environment most of the time or it drives me crazy."

"I definitely feel you there, Y/N. If I do the same thing for too long, it almost gets physically painful from how bored I get."


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