Truth or Dare (lemon)

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I look through my closet to find an appropriate outfit for the party Y/N is hosting, and it seems I can't actually think of what to wear due to how nervous I'm becoming.

I've loved Y/N for a long time now. He's creative, kind, bubbly, and not to mention he's unfathomably attractive.

He seems to not realize how much power he has over others. I can tell it's not just me, and that pisses me off.

I'm not much of a party guy myself, but I'm going so hopefully I can finally show Y/N and his little fans who he really belongs to. I've tried to give the guy every hint I could for him to try and get it to make the first move, but he's practically a brick wall, so I'll have to take what I want by force.

I stumble upon an outfit that catches my attention, and decide to try it on. Once I look in the mirror, I knew that this was the one.

This will surely get his attention.

I realize I only have 10 minutes left until the party starts, so I hurry and grab my things and rush out the door to my car.


I look around anxiously for C/N since he's usually not this late to an event. In fact, he's usually one of the first ones there if it's important enough.

Is he even coming? I hope so.

I start walking around asking people if they've seen him, incase I missed him somehow.

As I go to ask my older brother if he's seen C/N, I start hearing everyone murmuring in the living room with everyone else being silent or gathering around. I decide to take a look.

I head in and see C/N walk in wearing probably the most out of character, yet attractive outfit I've ever seen him wear. My eyes are so wide I feel like they're going to pop out of my head at any moment. My jaw is practically on the floor.

I need to have him for myself tonight. I can't take it anymore.

I can't have everyone trying to take him from me. I can't be the only one seeing stars around him, and I need to make sure nobody else has the chance to claim him.

I blink a few times and realize I've been staring at him for a solid minute. I walk over to him and greet him.

"Hey, C/N. I'm glad you made it. I almost thought you weren't gonna show up."

He looked worried for a second.

"Why wouldn't I show up?"

"I just didn't know if you were going to or not. I'm glad you did though. I'm happy to have you here with me, C/N."

I guide him over to the couch so he can get comfortable.

"Do you need anything, C/N?"


Why is he trying so hard to care for me? He never does this. I'm not complaining though. It's refreshing to see him like this for a change.

"Heyyyy Y/N!"

Oh no, not (crush's rival's name) again. She can never keep her hands off him. She makes me sick.

"Oh, hey (crush's rival's name). Need something?"

"Wanna play truth or dare with us?"

"No thank you (crush's rival's name). I appreciate the offer though—"

"Come on, Y/N! Don't be a party pooper! Besides, aren't you the one that hosted this whole event? Might as well make it more fun!"

"Is it not already fun though?"

~Male crush x male reader~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant