Karaoke Night (lime)

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My friends and I are laughing and walking down the street after we just finished eating fast food. (Friend) kept on with their funny story, causing (other friend) and I to laugh more.

"Then I scrolled down farther. The people in the comments were so down bad for this guy, just over his voice. I mean, they were down despicable. Gru from Despicable Me could never."

"Oh my god my cheeks hurt. How do people even like this guy, (friend)?"

"Honestly I have no clue, Y/N. Funny thing is, most of the people in the comments gushing over him were guys who claimed to be super homophobic and were probably that one dude in school that said some stupid shit like, 'It's Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve' or 'Girls should listen to men. It's what God intended.' Well, Jimmy, I guess in your case God intended for you to have a small dick and a receding hairline at 16 years old. Get over yourself."

I can barely stand up at this point, and neither could any of the others.

"Oh shit. We should probably get going to karaoke now. The guy who's running it apparently has 5 years of experience and really knows what he's doing."

"This should be pretty fun then, right Y/N?"

I get a confused look on my face and look at (friend) and (other friend).

"I can't really answer that until you tell me who exactly is running it, (friend)."

"It's a surprise. Its for your birthday anyway."

"This can't be that big of a surprise. Its literally just the name of the KJ."

"When you figure it out you'll know why, Y/N."

I roll my eyes and decide to just let it go. I soon notice a neon sign in the distance and look to the others.

"Is this the place?"

"No. Totally not. Obviously it is. It literally says 'Karaoke tonight: 8 to midnight or whenever we're kicked out' on the sign."

"Jeez no need to be rude (friend)."

"Whatever (other friend)."

I go to open the door, when (other friend) opens the door for me and (friend).

"Thank you, (other friend)."

They nod to me and come in after we enter. I look around and notice all the random drunk guys in the corner singing along to the song an obviously hammered woman is lazily belting out, almost breaking the speakers until the KJ has to turn them way down. The neon signs on the walls light up the room just enough that people can see their way around. Waitresses are going around giving people their drinks with random creeps offering them extra tips in exchange for a body shot or a twirl.

"You really think it's a good idea to be here, (friend)?"

"Yeah. I know that you're familiar with the bar scene so I figured you'd be alright and could handle it. You don't have to drink alcohol just because we're in a bar."

I shrug and find a place to sit, the only empty table left in the room. I look over and notice a group of kids who absolutely reek of weed and are obviously teenagers who snuck their way in. I look back to my friends and watch them talk. I'm totally zoned out when I hear a familiar voice come over the speakers and everyone settling down.

"Alright give it up for Brandi! That was the end of the rotation, so now we're back to the top!"

I hear the click of a computer mouse and watch as none other than C/N walks up to the stage.

Holy shit it's him. He acts so different than he does at work. And he looks oddly... attractive.

My jaw is to the floor when he starts singing. I look at everyone else to see that they're all paying attention, a total 180 from before. I can feel (friend)'s cocky smirk from the seat next to me and I elbow them in the side to keep them quiet. They laugh a bit at my reaction and keep on. C/N notices me looking at him and goes a bit pink, but still continues singing. He smiles a bit as the song starts to intensify and the background music gradually gets louder. He has me on the edge of my seat.

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