Hey Boss? (lime + fluff)

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I look at the clock, which reads 10:00 pm. Time to clock out and go home. I log out of my computer and turn off the lights of my office. I shut the door to my office and head toward the elevator. As I'm making my way through the hallway, I hear strange noises coming from Y/N's office. It almost sounds like a squeaking noise, like from a mouse or a bunny. I decide to check it out, concerned for the guy. I walk in and see a very red-faced Y/N with his earbuds in and him hiding his face.

It's almost cute. Wait, focus. Now isn't the time.

"Hello, Y/N?"

He looks up and goes wide-eyed, practically ripping the earbuds out of his ears and getting more red.

"Oh h-hey boss. I'm still working on the spreadsheet you sent me."

"It's 10 o'clock. It's time to be heading home. You can finish the spreadsheet tomorrow."

"Yes sir."

He shoots up from his seat and logs out of his computer, beelining to the door. I notice he left his phone and call out to him.

"Yes sir?"

"You left your phone on your desk. It would be a shame if you didn't take it home."

"Oh, sorry about that."

He grabs his phone and heads to the elevator. I walk behind him calmly, and I can't help but notice how jittery he is.

"Y/N, are you okay? You seem all jumpy and fidgety all of a sudden."

"I'm alright. I just..."

He ponders something for a moment.

"I have something to do when I get home. That's all."

I don't believe it. Something is wrong.

I push the button on the outside of the elevator to go down to the ground floor, and the door opens. Y/N and I step into the elevator and press the corresponding button for the floor were going to. Once the doors close, I turn to Y/N with a skeptical look on my face.

"I can tell there's something bothering you. You can't fool me. What's going on, Y/N?"

Y/N averts my gaze, so I put my hand on his shoulder to make him look at me. I make sure my expression is soft so he isn't intimidated.

"Y/N. You can tell me what's going on. I won't tell a soul if need be."

Y/N then looks at the floor, flushing again.

"I am seriously concerned. You're never like this. When I found you in the office, you were all red like this too. When you saw I was there, you acted like I was the grim reaper coming to take your soul."


The elevator lights go out, and the elevator stops moving in an abrupt halt. The elevator broke down.

"I'll call maintenance so they can fix the elevator. Hopefully the plans you have aren't too soon. This may take a while."

"Wasn't this just fixed last month?"

"Yes, but it seems it wasn't properly repaired."

Y/N seems more jumpy now than before, and grabs my hand on his shoulder.

"How long do you think this will take to fix..? At least to get the lights back on..?"

"Are you scared of the dark, Y/N?"

I can feel him nodding, so I soften my tone.

"Alright. You're not by yourself in here, and it'll be alright. Okay? Slow your breathing so you don't hyperventilate."


He starts slowing his breathing. Though I can't see him and he can't see me, I look in his direction with a caring gaze.

"Good. Okay, now we can talk about why you're so scatterbrained. What's bothering you?"

He seems to hesitate.

"So, you know how I'm all flushed?"


"I was blushing."


"What about? Was it because of what you were listening to?"

"Well, partially.."

He seems to be gettjng more nervous. I decide to press further.

"What was the other part?"

I notice how my tone changed and how he reacted to it physically.


He laughs nervously and I start getting an idea of why he was so flustered. I slowly walk over to him and get my face closer to his. Well, I attempt to at least, with how dark it is. I start feeling around so I can tell where his face is. I feel his lips and start leaning in.

"Hm? Tell me."

I slowly kiss him. After a few moments, I pull away.

"Do I have this sort of effect on you? Am I the reason you're trembling and weak in the knees right now?"

I kiss him again, this time my hand moving to the side of his face and his neck. He kisses me back this time, moving his hand to my side. He slowly moves his hand down to the waist of my pants, pulling me closer to him by my belt loops.

Eager, are we?

I smile a bit into the kiss and move my hand to just his neck, slightly pulling him in more. I start going up to his ear, and he immediately reacts.

"S-sir, those are really—"

I start kissing his ear and squeezing his throat, and he just just melts.


I slightly move back.

"I can tell~"

I go back to what I was doing, getting him into mush again. After a few more moments, I feel his hand move to my chest. He slightly pushes his hand up, causing me to slightly lose control for a moment and squeeze his neck harder.

"Fuck baby, keep going like that and you won't be able to walk out the door on your own~"

He scratches a bit at the spot unexpectedly, causing me to growl into his ear. The emergency light in the elevator comes on, so I can see him better than I could before. I pin him to the wall and start kissing him again. As I'm about to get his shirt off, the normal lights come back on and one of my other colleagues starts talking over the intercom.

"The elevator is fixed boss. You'll be able to get home now."

"Thank you, Frank."

I back away from Y/N and fix his clothes.

"So, do you wanna come over to my place and stay the night? We could watch movies together and cuddle?"

Y/N nods and holds my hand. The elevator lands on the ground floor, and we walk out. I head to my car and notice he didn't have his outside of the building.

"Did someone drop you off today?"

He nods again.

"Okay then, we can ride in mine. I can drop you off tomorrow morning."

He hugs me and walks with me to my car.

~Male crush x male reader~Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin