Soulmates? (lemon + fluff)

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I start getting overwhelmed because of how crowded the party is, so I go up the stairs and onto the balcony, where only one boy is standing above the busy street. I decide to strike up a conversation.

"Are you overwhelmed too?"

He looks at me and nods.

"I thought so. There are a lot of people down there."

"Why is it so loud up here?"

"Well, we are above a busy street, so that's probably why. Oh, I'm sorry, I should introduce myself. My name is C/N."

"Oh that's a cool name. I'm Y/N."

"A very pretty name for a very pretty boy."

I smile a bit and lightly feel his cheek with my finger for a moment. He blushes a bit, causing me to chuckle a bit.

"I feel like I have to scream to talk to you, C/N. It's way too loud."

When he says that, he lifts up his neck to look at me since I'm much taller than him. Once he does that, I get a big whiff of the smell of his blood.

Holy shit. I need to take him home. I haven't had a full meal for a very long time. I just have to get him to trust me.

"Say, Y/N. It is very loud up here, like you said. Would you like to go to my house with me so we can actually hear each other? We could have tea and talk to each other possibly. Does that sound like a good idea?"

Y/N agrees very quickly, seeming almost excited. Before I can put out another word, he starts up again.

"Wow, thank you. It's so loud and my ride home just left without me with some guy, so I love that idea."

"Oh, in that case would you want to stay the night with me?"

"I dunno. You aren't some psycho killer, are you?"

Yes. I'm a vampire, so obviously I'm gonna have to kill people.

"No. Don't you trust me?"

"Well, C/N. You don't seem to be a bad person. You also seem to have good intentions. Why not?"

Yes. He invited me in, so now I have full control.


This old fool really thinks I'm some vulnerable young man who is a perfect target for desperate vampires such as himself.

Man, his energy seems to be very heightened tonight. That'll be perfect for later when I gain control.

I start walking along with him to his house. I notice that we're walking there, and decide to ask a few questions that a normal, naive boy would ask in this situation.

"Why're we walking there instead of using a car?"

"Oh, I don't have a car at the moment. It's in the shop getting repairs."

Yeah, and totally not because of your super speed.

"Oh okay. So is mine, oddly enough."

"Wow, what a coincidence."

"Do you live nearby, C/N?"

"I actually do. It's right down here."

I see the house once again and decide to act dumb. He doesn't remember when I was there last night anyway.

"That abandoned house down the path?"

"Yes, that one. Beautiful isn't it?"

"Yes, but very isolated."

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