Listen (lemon + fluff)

837 14 8

ar1xisu request 1/3


"Hey, C/N? Can you come here for a second?"

I hear Y/N calling my name and I stand up from the bed, going down the hallway and seeing him standing in the middle of the living room.

"What did you need?"

"Why didn't you take out the trash when I was at work?"

Shit, I forgot about that.

"Oh I totally forgot about that."

"Really? You 'forgot'?"
I look at him, confused as I nod.

"Yes, Y/N. I did actually forget."

"For the third time this week?"

Here we go.


Y/N rolls his eyes and I start walking to the kitchen to do it.

"Where are you going, C/N?"

"To take out the trash."

"Oh you don't need to do that anymore. I did it when I got home."

I hear his passive-aggressive tone and take a breath, sitting down on the couch.

This is gonna be a while.

~*time skip*~

I'm looking up at Y/N as he rants, my mind wandering as my eyes scan over his body. I notice small things about him, making me give a small smile.

Y/N's hair gets in his face sometimes while he's talking. He tries to brush it away, only for it to happen again a few minutes later.

His eyebrows furrow slightly when he looks down at me. No matter how mad he is at me, his pupils still dilate when he looks at me.

His nose scrunches sometimes when he gets caught up in what he's talking about. It reminds me of a bunny.

His cheeks puff out when he's thinking of what else to say. They look so squishy sometimes that it makes me want to squeeze them, but I refrain from doing so since it would only make him more mad.

His lips-

"-and the worst part is, you're not even listening to me."

I blink a few times and look up at him, giving him a teasing, fox-like grin.

"Mhm, no, I'm listening."

For good measure, I slightly spread my legs apart and lean back on the couch. I watch his reaction to my manspreading, knowing fully well what this does to him.

Just as I expected, Y/N gets a bright blush on his face at the sight. He becomes visibly flustered, despite how desperately he tries to hide it.

I've got him right where I want him.

Y/N tries to put on a stern face, pretending like he isn't already a blessing mess just from the way I'm sitting.


"Don't what, Y/N? I'm not doing anything."

I slightly shrug, looking up at him again. He huffs and steps forward, now standing between my thighs as he crosses his arms in front of his chest.


"Don't play with me, C/N. I know you well."

I chuckle mischievously, putting my hands on Y/N's hips with a grin.


I pull Y/N onto my lap, raising an eyebrow and slightly smirking. I tilt my head to the side, pretending to be confused.

"Yes, Y/N?"

Y/N blushes more and sighs, placing his hands on my cheeks.

"You're lucky I love you so much."

Y/N, then, pulls me in for a kiss. My fingers slightly dig into his hips, making him gasp softly. I trail my lips down his neck, sucking and nibbling gently on a few spots. One of my hands slides downward, cupping Y/N's ass. I squeeze it lightly, smiling against his lips when I hear his surprised moan.

My other hand slides up his arm, over his shoulder, and onto the back of his head. I flip Y/N onto his back, keeping my hand on the back of his head to cushion the fall. I look at Y/N and get an idea, starting to untie his necktie from his work outfit.

"What're you doing, C/N?"

"Close your eyes, Y/N."

Curious as to what I'm doing, Y/N nods and closes his eyes. I tie the necktie around them, blindfolding him. I slowly undo his shirt, making sure to take my time to tease him more. Button by button, I witness the simultaneous unraveling of both Y/N's composure and the shirt on his torso.

Once his shirt is unbuttoned, I take it off of him and put it to the side somewhere. I trace delicate lines along his side with my finger, watching as goosebumps follow in its path.

He's so sensitive.

My lips graze over his chest lightly as I continue teasing him, giving him the dizzying feeling of wanting to buck into my touch and back away from it at the same time.

I look down at Y/N's cock, seeing as it's already rock-hard despite the fact that I haven't directly touched it yet.

"Please, C/N..."

I hear how desperate Y/N is becoming and decide to stop the teasing, not wanting to torture him.

I undo Y/N's pants and pull them off, seeing a wet spot from precum on the from of his boxers.

"You're ready for my mouth already, I see."

Y/N whines softly from embarrassment at my comment, causing me to chuckle lightly. I pull the waistband of his boxers over his hips, quickly tugging them the rest of the way down after. I put his boxers next to his pants and shirt, looking at Y/N's pulsing cock.

I reach out and stroke his cock a few times before taking it into my mouth. Y/N lets out a soft moan, his jaw going slack. I start off gently, not wanting to make him cum yet. His hand slides up my arm and into my hair, twirling the strands between his fingers to ground himself.

I hum in approval at the touch, the vibrations from my humming going through Y/N's cock and making him whimper. I slip one of my hands up his thigh, his thigh tensing up under my touch.

I begin bobbing my head and Y/N's back arches off the bed, accidentally thrusting his cock farther into my mouth. I use my free hand to hold his hips in place, making it so he can't buck his hips into my mouth on his own again. I increase the suction around his cock, moving my head faster.

Y/N's moaning gets louder, signalling that he's close to cumming. His legs slightly tremble, threatening to close around my head. His body shakes as an orgasm rips through him, streaks of white coating the inside of my mouth and going down my throat.

I swallow the cum, carefully lifting my head off of Y/N's cock. I untie the necktie from around his head, putting it with his other clothes. I help him to sit up, brushing loose strands of hair out of his eyes. I kiss Y/N's forehead and lay next to him, pulling him to my chest. He smiles softly, wrapping his arms around me and closing his eyes.

"So, Y/N... Does this mean I'm forgiven?"

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