Brat (lemon)

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fr13d3y3s request

⚠️TW: dead dove pain (consensual ofc)⚠️


I'm mindlessly scrolling through social media when I hear footsteps approaching. I look around for the source of the noise, watching as C/N walks in and sits down next to me.

"Hey baby, (friend) is in town tonight and wants to have dinner with us. Do we want to go?"

I think for a moment and nod in agreement, smiling happily at the idea.

"Sure. We haven't seen them for a while, so it'll be nice to catch up."

Normally I'm not fond of social gatherings, but C/N's suggestion gave me an idea.

I should wear something revealing. Maybe that'll get his attention.

"Alright, that sounds like a plan then. I'm gonna go make a phone call real quick, but we'll go meet them after that. Okay?"


With that, C/N walks back to the front porch to make the phone call. Once I know the coast is clear, I make my way up the stairs and into the bedroom.

I close the bedroom door behind me, making sure to lock it so C/N doesn't walk in.

I open the closet door and walk in. I take a quick glance around the closet in search for my box. I look on the floor in the back corner, underneath a pile of clothes we don't wear anymore. I see the corner of the box under the clothes.

Found it.

I get onto the floor and take the clothes off of the top of the box, putting the clothes onto another pile on the floor next to me.

We really need to clean in here.

I grab the box and carefully stand up. I carry the box to the bed, setting it down. I open the box and dig through it, searching for a specific shirt and pair of pants.

Once I find the clothes I'm searching for, I put the clothes onto the bed. I close the box and take it to the closet, putting it back where I hid it before.

I take my shirt off, tossing it into the dirty clothes basket in the corner of the room. I grab the new shirt and pull it over my head, putting my arms into the sleeves. What little bit of sleeve there is to put my arms through, at least.

I take a glance at the mirror on the closet door, turning around to get a full look at the shirt.

I look hot in this shirt. I'm definitely getting punished for this.

I smile mischievously to myself, thinking of the possible consequences of my actions.


I change from my comfy pajama pants into the fitting jeans I picked from the box. I look at the mirror, seeing the outfit together and enjoying the sight.

I'm wearing a tight-fitting shirt with short sleeves. The shirt shows off my waist, one of C/N's favorite parts of my body. My jeans are snug around my hips and thighs, two of C/N's other favorite parts of my body.

I'm about to leave the room to tell him I'm ready before I think of something.

How do I hide this from him until we leave the house?

It's not like he'd let me wear it out if he sees me in it. I have to hide it somehow, but also be able to show it when I need to.

I look around the room for ideas, unable to find anything useful. I, then, notice my jacket on the bed.

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