Break (angst + fluff)

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ar1xisu request


I shut the classroom door behind me, looking around for Y/N out of habit.

Josh... Ashley... Amy... Where's Y/N?

I look around the rest of the room, but Y/N is nowhere to be seen. He never misses class, so I immediately know something's off.

I should text him to see what's going on.

I pull my phone out Y/N's contact, seeing our last messages and remembering our last conversation.

Oh yeah... I forgot...


"I just think it's kinda weird that you're spending so much time with (Y/N's friend), that's all."

"C/N, he's my best friend. Of course I'm gonna spend time with him sometimes."

"This isn't just 'sometimes', Y/N. It's almost every day at this point. It's way too much."

"What? You have no right to tell me who I can and can't be around."

"You're seriously picking (Y/N's friend) over me? You care about him more than me?"

"Oh my god, I never fucking said that."

"What are you saying then, hm?"

"Maybe we should take a break."

"Yeah, maybe we could relax and watch a movie together for a bit, then we could come back to talk about this when we're calm again. That's a good idea."

"No, C/N. A break from the relationship. We're fighting all the time lately, and starting to take a toll on both of us."

Without another word, I grab my stuff and leave Y/N's dorm.

~*end of flashback*~

I slightly shake my head to push the memory away, choosing to focus on class instead.

~*time skip*~

"I don't have anything else planned for us to discuss today, so class is dismissed."

I hastily stand up from my chair and rush out the door of the lecture hall, unable to deny my anxiety anymore. I speed walk to the parking lot, my mind racing.
Did I go too far?

Is he home crying?

Is the break gonna turn into a full on break up?

Fuck, what did I do?

Before I know it, I'm at my car. I swing the door open and step inside, I close the door and start the car, not bothering to buckle my seatbelt. I pull out of the parking lot, heading straight to the coffee shop.

~*time skip*~

I turn the car off and get out, not bothering to lock it as I hurry into the coffee shop.

As soon as I step in the door, I make eye contact with (Y/N's friend). He rolls his eyes at me before turning to another customer and taking her order. Rather than taking the hint and leaving, however, I decide to get in line behind the lady and wait for her to finish ordering.

As if it's on cue, the woman in front of me steps out of line. I step forward, leaning in closer to (Y/N's friend).

"What do you want, C/N?"

"I came to ask about Y/N. He wasn't in class today, and you know he never misses class. Is something going on?"

(Y/N's friend) squints his eyes, looking at me skeptically.

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