Detention (lemon)

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y0url0ve_Lori request



I send one last message to my angry mother, notifying her that I got to school for my detention. She sends me a 'k.' text before I turn my phone off.


I put my phone back into my pocket, walking through the front door. I turn to the left, walking down the hallway leading to my math teacher's classroom. I, soon, arrive at my math teacher's door, taking a breath to compose myself before opening the door.

"I'm here, ma'am."

"You're late, Y/N."

Yes, I'm aware.

"I know. Sorry about that. Where do I sit?"

"Sit in the back row, on the opposite end from C/N. I don't need you both fighting again, so stay away from each other."

I nod, fighting the urge to roll my eyes as I begrudgingly take my seat.

I open a book to where I left off, finding my place as I begin to read. I read a few lines, slowly getting immersed in the book...


Ugh, of course C/N had to interrupt my reading.

"Yes, C/N?"

"Do you know anything about science?"

"I know a little bit. Why?"

"I need help with my science homework, and you're the only other person in here."

(Teacher) sighs exasperatedly and nods, getting up from her seat and going to C/N's desk to help him with his homework.

Seeing how he's now busy, I decide to go back to reading my book. I find the line I was on before and continue scanning the pages.

Oh my god, they're finally about to kiss! I've been waiting for this to happen for weeks.

I smile to myself, picturing the scene as I read.

'He takes his hand and intertwines their fingers together, his piercing gaze puncturing the honey-thick tension and boring into the other's own dazed stare. The other leans in closer, their lips barely inches apart until'-


C/N's outburst interrupts my reading, once again. I sigh quietly in frustration under my breath, biting back a smartass remark. I glance over at C/N, only to discover a shit-eating grin on his face.

That little shit. He's doing this on purpose.

"Yes, C/N?"

"What's 20÷2?"

I roll my eyes at C/N's dumb question, looking over at him.

"It's simple math, C/N. Use your brain. It's not that difficult."

"I don't believe I asked you, Y/N."

"I don't care."

"Be quiet, both of you."

I huff in annoyance, turning my attention back to my book as I try to ignore C/N's aggravating behavior.

Now, where was I?

I turn back to the page I was reading, finding my spot yet again and beginning to read the first kiss between the main characters in my story.

Are they about to go all the way? After their first kiss? No way.

~Male crush x male reader~Where stories live. Discover now