Birthday Treat (lemon + fluff)

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musicgirl988 request


"Finally, we're here."

C/N and I drop our suitcases onto the floor, relieved to not have to carry them around anymore. I flop backward onto the bed, looking up at the ceiling with a sigh of relief. C/N sits down next to me, looking down at me.

"I have an idea, Y/N."

"Alright, what is it?"

"Have you had anything special to eat yet for your birthday today?"

I slightly shrug and shake my head.

"No, I don't think so."

"Okay good. We should go get ice cream, then. There's an ice cream place I noticed on our way here, and I think it might be cool for us to try it. It could be your birthday treat. How does that sound?"

I ponder C/N's idea for a moment.

Ice cream does sound good right now. This would also be a good time to explore the town and get more used to the place.

"Sure, C/N. Let's do that."

~*time skip*~

"Thank you, have a good day!"

"Thank you, you too."

C/N and I walk out of the ice cream parlor, small bowls of ice cream in hand.

"Thanks for ordering for me in there, C/N."

"It's no problem. I know how difficult social anxiety can be."

I smile softly, taking a bite of my ice cream. My eyes slightly widen at the taste (fake eyes open-), a surprised expression on my face. I look over at C/N, swallowing the ice cream.

"You have to try this, C/N. It's really good."

C/N chuckles softly, nodding and agreeing to try it. He takes my spoon from my hand, scooping up a bit of the ice cream and putting it in his mouth.

"You're right, Y/N. It is really good."

I smile brightly, noticing a bit of ice cream that stuck to the corner of his mouth.

I should probably get that for him.

I stop him for a second, leaning in closely and swiping my thumb across his bottom lip. C/N's breath hitches once my thumb makes contact with the plump muscle. My thumb brushes against his the corner of his mouth, collecting the bit of ice cream onto my thumb.

"You had ice cream on the corner of your mouth."

"T-thanks, Y/N."

I nod, taking another bite of my ice cream and smiling again.

"Can I try a bite of yours, C/N?"

"Yeah, sure."

C/N dips his spoon into his bowl, getting some ice cream onto it.

"Open wide, Y/N."

I giggle quietly, opening my mouth. C/N sighs shakily, his eyes dilating. I realize what he's looking at and slightly blush, taking the ice cream into my mouth. I lick the leftovers of the ice cream from my lips, humming in approval and swallowing it.

"That's really good, C/N. I might have to get that one next time I get ice cream, actually."

C/N slowly leans in closer to me, his gaze fixated on my lips. I feel his fingertips against the small of my back as he gently pulls me toward himself. I slightly blush, everything else around us beginning to fade into the background.

~Male crush x male reader~Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum