Epilogue - Part 2

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"Welcome home, Reiji. How did the Academia infiltration go?" Himika asked in a delightful tone. She was sitting in her office when her son walked in. His expression was of relief and concern.

"It was a mixed bag, but for the most part it was successful. Thanks to the combined teamwork of our Lancers and our other Dimensional allies, we arrived on the island and broke into Academia without any big issues. There was some opposition, but nothing we couldn't handle. We quickly made our way into the ARC-V control room and, after convincing the scientists in there to be cooperative, reversed the card sealing. Everyone that was sealed has been released, which included all the captured people of the Xyz Dimension, Barrett, and of course, Hokuto Shijima." Himika smirked.

"Sounds like a complete success to me, son. Why did you call it a "mixed bag"?" She asked. Reiji's frown deepened.

"Two things about the operation leave me concerned. First, father was no where to be seen when we arrived. When we interrogated those we fought, they claimed he hadn't been seen since his defeat against us. I think he fled Academia after he realized he was fooled." Himika showed her own frown.

"I see." His mother said, sounding disappointed. "What was the second thing?" Reiji pushed up his glasses.

"The moment we freed all the carded people, a self destruct program had been activated. Turns out the entire complex was set to explode if the carded people were not released without father's authorization. We had less than 10 minutes to evacuate. Luckily, we managed to send all the Xyz Dimension citizens back home while Barrett aided us in getting everyone out. We had barely managed to get all the students and staff onto some boats and away from the island before a huge explosion consumed everything. Barret and Asuka are helping the survivors deal with the aftermath and hopefully, give them better lives."

Himika sighed with apparent relief. "I am glad everyone got away safely Reiji, especially you. From the sound of it, your father had decided to go hiding in some hole. As smart as he is, it's very unlikely we will ever find him." Reiji was forced to agree.

"Perhaps not. In fact, it's possible he may have fled the Fusion Dimension altogether. With that possibility in mind, I'll get a warning out to the people of the Xyz and Synchro Dimensions to keep an eye out for him. We will do the same here. He may turn up somewhere we least expect." His mother nodded.

"Good idea. I hope we find a lead for his whereabouts, but it will still be unlikely." With no reason to stay, Reiji turned to walk out to get his warning spread out. He stopped just before he leaving through the door and turned back to her.

"By the way, mother... Where is Reira? I haven't seen her when I returned home." Himika hardened her face for an instant before relaxing it.

"I am sorry to tell you this, but Reira had collapsed during a dueling training session in your absence. She is now lying in a hospital bed, completely unresponsive." Reiji couldn't contain the shock and fear he now felt.

"Collapsed?! Mother, what happened to her?!" He yelled. Himika stood up and gave her son a hard look.

"We don't know. It started out like any other training exercise, nothing out of the ordinary. Then, quite suddenly, she gasped and fell to the floor, unconscious. She was rushed to the emergency room at once. Our finest doctors are keeping a close eye on Reira, but so far they haven't been able to determine the cause." Reiji gritted his teeth and shook his clinched fists.

"I can't believe it. This has never happened to her before." He said to himself. His mother turned away and stared out her office window.

"Neither of us saw this coming. All we can do is wait for any change in her condition." Himika said in an almost detached way. Reiji suspected that his mother had pushed Reira too far in her training. She had been known to be particularly harsh on the poor child. However, he would have to wait to verify his suspicions after he saw Reira for himself.

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