Chapter 8: ZEXAL - PART 1

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(A.N. This takes place prior to the STANDARD chapters)

"What's this?" Ruri asked, curious about the light around them.

"This is how we will be getting aboard. We're ready Astral! Beam us up!" Yuma instructed.

"Who's Astral?" Ruri and Yuto both asked. Yuma smiled at them.

"You'll see." He said as the light around them turned red right before taking them. The next thing Yuto and Ruri saw, they were in a huge high tech room that resembled the bridge of a starship.

"Incredible." Ruri gasped.

"Where...are we?" Yuto asked in awe.

"You and Ruri are aboard the Different Dimension Airship." The pair turned to see a being that glowed blue and floated at the center control board. The sight of him nearly frightened them.

"Who or what are you?!" Yuto yelled, instantly standing in front of Ruri to protect her.

"My name is Astral. No need to be alarmed, Yuto. I am a friend of Yuma and have no intention of harming either one of you." Astral said to him and Ruri in a calm voice.

"Astral? The same person you talked to just before we came in here?" Ruri asked Yuma, more curious than scared of the guy. The boy nodded.

"Yep, that's him alright. I also talked to him before when we were running, but you couldn't see him until now. He can be a bit cold at times, but he's a really good guy." Yuma replied reassuringly.

"Now that we've met, I strongly suggest you all take your seats. We are about to depart." Astral advised as he now focused on the controls, making the ship move again. Immediately the trio found the nearest seats.

"We're ready." Yuma said.

"Good. Hang on!" Astral said, now moving the ship away from Heartland. Yuto and Ruri held on to their seats as they felt the huge vessel in motion. They then noticed the screen in front of the bridge. They saw their ruined home moving away from sight as a bright light formed in the center of the screen. The ship vibrated as they sped up. Seconds felt like hours as the light became brighter and the ship continued to shake. Yuto took Ruri's hand and held it tight, while Ruri held her grip on his hand.

The next thing they saw, their home vanished from the screen and was replaced with the sight of swirling colors. "Where are we now?" Ruri asked after the vibrating stopped.

"We have left the Xyz Dimension, as well as the world it was a part of. According to my calculations, we will reach our destination in less than thirty minutes." Astral revealed. This announcement stunned the pair.

"What do you mean we have left our world? Where exactly are we going?" Yuto demanded as he stood up again, wanting answers. Astral turned around to face the ship's newest occupants to answer, but Ruri got there first.

"Yuto, I asked Yuma that same question earlier while running to Heartland Tower. He told me it was a place similar to our home before it was invaded, where Academia could never find us." Astral nodded.

"That is correct. To be more precise, we actually ARE going to Heartland. However..." Astral added as he held up a hand, seeing that Yuto and Ruri were about to interrupt. "I must point out that the Heartland we are heading to and the one we've just departed have more differences than just how the places themselves look. There are people there that had never existed in your world. Another fact, you might meet a... "certain" someone there you both will recognize, but that person won't know anything about you. That is because you two do not exist in "our" Heartland." Astral explained. This revelation stunned the pair.

Yugioh: The Power of FourOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora