Chapter 20: ARC-V - PART 6

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Flashback: 1 week ago

The four Duelists and their companions stared at the woman, Ray Akaba, and the Ignis floating at her side. "Ray Akaba... you look human." Yugi said. Ray nodded.

"Yes Yugi, because I am human." She said.

"So then, why's a human like you hanging out with some A.I.s in a place like this?" Judai asked, sounding curious. Ray still smiled as she glanced at each of the Ignis with fondness.

"Simple, Judai. The Ignis are not just my friends. They are my family. They took me in when I had nothing. Their home... is also my home."

"That sounds to me like you weren't born into this Cyberse World. How did you come to be here?" Daitokuji asked.

"Yeah, and the Ignis said you need our help. Help with what?" Yusei asked. Ray sighed, dropping her smile.

"As much as I don't want to... I have to start at the beginning. Only then will you understand what I ask of you." Ray then held her arms out and streams of what looked like data flowed out from her hands. It circled around the whole group. Within seconds, the entire area had changed. Now they were in what appeared to be a colorful futuristic city with green trees and bushes around them. Everywhere Yugi's group looked, they saw vehicles flying through the air and domed towns floating in the sky. Most of the buildings were round or oval shaped and colored in different shades of gray, blue, and purple. They even notice birds coming out of nowhere like holograms.

"Whoa! This place is awesome!" Yuma exclaimed. The others shared his amazement.

"Indeed it is. Is this another location in the Cyberse World?" Astral asked. The group saw that Ray looked sad.

"What you're observing are memories of my past. This was my home... my original home. This was the world I was born into, called the United World. Here, technology was highly advanced and people lived in peace. In this world, all Special Summon methods in Duel Monsters existed: Ritual, Fusion, Synchro, and Xyz." Ray explained.

"Xyz?" Yugi, Judai, and Yusei asked at the same time. They never heard of a Monster Summon by that name.

"What, none of you heard of Xyz Monsters before?" Yuma asked. The boy was surprised to see them shake their heads.

"Apparently not." Judai commented.

"Fascinating. Xyz and Fusion Monsters exist on our world, but not Synchro Monsters." Astral noted.

"Wait, you don't know about Synchro Summons?" Yusei asked. After a quick exchange of how each of those two Special Summons worked (impressing each of the Duelists), Ray picked up where she left off.

"As I was saying, this world was a utopia filled with many gifted people. In my time, I was a top ranked Duelist in the Pro Circuit. I trained hard to get to where I was then. Another gifted person was my father, Leo Akaba. He was a brilliant scientist and a good man. He showed unwavering support in my dueling career. I will always be grateful to him for that." She paused for a bit, thinking of how her father was by her side when she needed him most. "His research took the game of Duel Monsters to new heights... which also contributed to my old home's downfall." Ray said with profound sadness.

"Downfall? What do you mean?" Yugi asked, surprised by that last part.

"Let me show you." Ray then started showing them a specific memory. The scenery changed to see two people eating at a café outside. One of them was Ray herself, wearing light blue and purple clothes. The person sitting across from her was an older darker skinned man with short dark gray hair and wore what appeared to be a scientist's uniform. "The man you see is my father. In this memory, he was sharing with me a discovery regarding his research." The group then watched and listened as the memory played out.

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