Chapter 7: STANDARD - PART 3

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After everyone had left, Yuya went up to his room, fell back on his bed, and sulked. No matter what he said about him being fine, his mom wouldn't hear of it. He still couldn't believe he wasn't allowed to duel for a whole week! He'd been dueling for years, and he didn't have any issues up till now. He had been raised to be both healthy and athletic, both of which are necessities for Action Duels.

"This sucks! My chest hasn't hurt since yesterday. I don't feel any pain at all!" Yuya complained to himself. Still, even though he felt fine, he couldn't help wondering what caused his pain to begin with. And he didn't understand why it hurt so much. Even his doctor could not find the cause, making everyone worry over Yuya even more. While Yuya himself was worried if it happened again, he felt sure that whatever had hurt him like that had nothing to do with his current health.

Sighing, he decided that lying on his bed all day wouldn't do him any good. He needed to go out and get some fresh air. Maybe a simple walk in the park? Surely that wouldn't be a problem. He was just about to go and ask his mom for permission, but to his surprise she came knocking on his door.

"Yuya? May I come in?" Yoko asked through the door.

"Sure." Yuya said as he sat up on his bed. After coming inside, Yoko sat down next to her depressed son.

"Look, I'm sorry if I'm being unfair Yuya. Its just we're all worried about you, especially me. I don't want whatever it was that happened to you happen again. You are one of the healthiest boys I know, but sometimes things like this happen that even an experienced physician can't explain."

"I know Mom. But not being able to duel doesn't mean I'm cooped up here for the whole weekend, right?" Yuya asked, hoping his mom would be open to his request.

"Of course not." Yoko answered while shaking her head. "You can do other activities that don't involve raising your heart rate in here. Did you have something in mind?" Yuya fidgeted for a bit before asking.

"Maybe just a... walk in the park?" He tentatively asked. "I know what you're thinking, but I will only be walking, no running! I promise to walk slowly the whole time! Please!" Yuya begged. Yoko did appear about to protest, but she saw how miserable her son looked. She could tell Yuya really wanted to get out of the house. Yoko sighed, feeling she might regret her choice.

"Fine, Yuya. A slow walk in the park it is." Yuya then hugged his mom in gratitude.

"Thanks Mom!" Yuya said, feeling happier already, making Yoko smile herself. She then looked over at a picture on Yuya's beside table with her, Yuya, and his father. She really missed Yusho, and knew he would also be concerned about Yuya's unknown condition. However, he would also see to it that Yuya remained happy no matter how bad things got. Knowing that, she gave Yuya a bottled water and some dried fruit and nuts as a snack while he was gone.

"Remember Yuya, slow walking only. Do NOTHING that would get you too excited!" Yoko warned. Yuya nodded.

"Got it. Thanks again Mom! I'll be back soon!" With that, Yuya left for the park, which actually wasn't far from where he lived. He was allowed to bring his Duel Disk, with a promise that he wouldn't use it for dueling; only phone calls and video messages. Yoko smiled after him before she closed the door behind her as she walked back in.


After reaching the park not long after, Yuya took a path that ran along the edges. As Yuya walked, he breathed in the fresh scents from the pink colored flowers in the area. He didn't know why, but those flowers reminded him of when Yuzu was around. He always seemed to associate Yuzu with flowers. He smiled at the thought as he strolled on.

'I always smile when Yuzu was there. She's been there a lot for me, especially during the years since Dad vanished. I can't imagine my life if she weren't around. I just wish Yuzu wouldn't swat me with that fan of hers when I say something that upsets her. Still, she's one of the best things in my life. Maybe, the best...' He then started to shake his head.

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