Chapter 12: GX - PART 1

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(A.N. This takes place prior to the STANDARD chapters)

"This is Serena. Judai's not with us. He's trying to delay Academia's forces so that we could escape." The new voice's tone softened a bit.

"Serena, I'm pleased Judai had managed to convince you of the truth. But I must admit, I was not anticipating a mass rescue."

"Things got complicated." Serena simply said.

"Let me repeat my previous question: Where is Judai Yuki?" She was about to answer that when...

"There!" Alex shouted, pointing behind their group. Serena, Asuka, Yusho, and the others saw Judai himself running out from the tunnel. They were all happy to see him return.

"He just got back! He's with us now!" Serena said in total relief. As they met up, Judai gave Yusho back his Duel Disk while he was given his own back from Asuka.

"Thanks for holding on to this." Judai said. Asuka nodding with a smile.

"Judai, are you alright?" Asked the voice.

"I'm good now, Astral. Let's get out of here!" He said.

"Agreed. Standby." Astral replied as the light then turned red. As they waited, Judai turned to Serena, who was glad he made it back to them safely.

"Good thing you're okay Judai, or I'd have to come back to get you myself." Serena said in a stubborn, but friendly tone. Judai smiled.

"Same here." Seconds later, everyone got transferred aboard the massive ship. Once inside, they all marveled at their new surroundings.

"Wow! This really is a spaceship!" Alex said excitedly.

"I wouldn't exactly call it that, but it is close enough." The whole group turned and gasped when they gazed upon Astral.

"W-What is that?!" One of the younger students asked, sounding afraid. Judai decided to come to Astral's defense.

"Woah, everyone just chill! It's okay! Astral here is a friend of mine. He's not gonna harm anyone." Judai assured the frightened students.

"He is telling the truth. I am no danger to any of you. After all, I did just aided in your escape from Academia." Astral said. Gradually, everyone calmed down.

"So you're the guy I talked to on Judai's Duel Disk?" Serena asked as she approached the glowing being.

"That's correct. It is a pleasure to finally meet you in person, Serena." Astral said with a friendly smile.

"I guess I should say thanks for saving us. So...thanks." Serena said sincerely. Astral nodded in appreciation.

"You are welcome." Astral replied.

"I owe you my gratitude as well." Yusho said.

"Mine too." Asuka added.

"Of course. Now if all of you would find a place to sit, we will be on our way." Astral said, indicating the various seats on the ship. As soon as everyone was seated, Astral moved the airship into the sky and a bright flash illuminated on the big screen in front. As the flash faded, the group saw swirling stars in a vast blackness as they passed by.

"Where are we now?" Serena asked.

"We have left the Fusion Dimension and the world it is connected to. In a short time, we will arrive at your new safe haven." Astral answered.

"Where exactly are you taking us?" Yusho asked curiously. This time, Judai answered.

"Believe it or not, we're heading to the world I come from. Plus, you won't have to worry about Leo Akaba and Academia finding you. No one there can reach us beyond a certain barrier separating our worlds. Also, I think you guys will really like where you're going to stay!" He said excitedly.

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