Chapter 2: SYNCHRO

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"Rin! Rin, where are you?! RIN!" Yugo had been searching everywhere for Rin for a while now, with no trace to her whereabouts. He felt stupid; he should NEVER have left her alone. Yugo knew someone had been following her lately, so he kept his guard up to protect her. Now the one time he had left Rin, when he thought she would be safe at their place, was obviously the time he should've been there for her. 'Dammit! This was my fault! I shouldn't have left Rin alone! I should've stayed with her!' Yugo cursed himself for his blunder. Earlier that evening, he wanted to stay with Rin to keep an eye out for whoever was tailing her.

"I will be okay if I stay home tonight. I really feel that I'll be safe here while you go get some takeout." She said to her childhood friend. Of course, Yugo protested.

"No way! I ain't leaving you by yourself Rin, not for a second! What if whoever's been following you knows where we live? I need to be here to kick his ass if he tries to hurt you!" Rin tried to assure him that it would be fine.

"It'll be alright Yugo. After you leave, I'll lock the door and secure all the windows. And if anyone happens to knock and it isn't someone we know, I'm definitely not letting them in. Trust me, I'll be fine here." Yugo didn't look convinced as he crossed his arms.

"I still don't agree. What if something does happen to you and I'm not here to help? I could never forgive myself." He said softly, looking truly worried. Rin smiled as she hugged her friend.

"I really appreciate you caring so much and wanting to protect me. Everything will be fine. Okay?" Rin said as she gave him one of her smiles that he just couldn't say no too.

Very reluctantly, Yugo finally agreed to head out to get some food. He took off on their D-Wheel and promised to be back soon. Later, when he came home with their dinner, Yugo knew he had made a grave mistake.

He immediately saw that their door had been broken down, and in pieces. Worst of all, Rin was gone. She was nowhere to be seen. Yugo cursed so loudly he thought the whole Commons area could hear him. Then, on his D-Wheel, he began to search for his lifelong friend. He was afraid he might never find her.

"Please Rin... PLEASE be alright." Yugo said to himself as he continued to look. Unbeknownst to Yugo, Rin's guardian angel was already on the move...


Rin was scared as hell as she ran for her life. She had no idea who this psycho was or why he was after her. All she knew was that she couldn't let him catch her. As she ran, she berated herself for convincing Yugo to leave. He wanted to stay by Rin and had every reason to do so. Her own stupidity led to this chase in the night.

After turning a corner, Rin saw to her dismay that she had hit a dead end. She turned around with her back against the wall. She had never felt so afraid in her whole life. Her pursuer then slowed his pace, knowing he had trapped her.

Underneath his cloak, Yuri smiled. After the big screwup in the Xyz Dimension, Yuri made sure no one would get the drop on him this time. He didn't want to take any chances. After arriving in the Synchro Dimension, he scouted around his surroundings as he silently stalked the green haired girl with the bracelet, named Rin.

Yuri saw no one that could give him any trouble, though that guy who shared his face stuck to Rin like glue. He kinda wondered why they looked alike, like that other punk in the Xyz Dimension who escaped with Ruri. Honestly, he didn't care as long as he was able to carry out his mission.

This new guy almost never left Rin's side. He was in no hurry, so he waited for the right moment to pounce. His chance finally came when the guy rode away on that fancy vehicle of his, leaving the girl alone. This led to the chase that took place tonight... a chase that now came to an end.

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