Chapter 30: ARC-V - PART 16

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On top of his old company building, Leo Akaba stood overlooking Maiami City with growing impatience. He turned to his second-in-command. "Roget, any progress on fixing your Gauntlet program?" He asked, sounding a tad snappy. Roget groaned.

"No, Professor. No matter what I'm trying, I can't get the monitors to show us what is happening!" He just couldn't understand what the problem could be. He again felt that he overlooked something very important. Whatever it was though, he just couldn't place it.

"You told me before we came here that you perfected this program of yours. So why would it be malfunctioning now?" Leo demanded. Before Roget could answer him, Gloria suddenly materialized before the group.

"Sis! You're back!" Grace said, happy her older sister had returned. Gloria, on the other hand, only gave a very faint smile. Judging by how joyful she sounded, Grace was not told of what the Professor had said. Gloria was relieved for that much. Leo immediately turned to her.

"Gloria, were you successful?" He asked, looking right into her eyes, sounding very testy. Gloria gave a quick nod.

"Yes, Professor. After I gave him your message, Ryo has agreed to aid us on this mission. He should be here momentarily to get into position." Leo smiled broadly, forgetting Roget's dilemma.

"Well done. I knew you wouldn't let us down." He said.

"Sir, there's more..." Gloria paused before continuing. "He also said that after this was over... he will come after you personally." Leo snorted.

"I wouldn't expect anything less of the Kaiser." He said in bemusement. Gloria looked away for a moment before turning back to her leader.

"What is the situation here?" She asked. She was surprised to see a look of slight disgust on him.

"Roget's Gauntlet program is still malfunctioning, so we don't know what is happening to my son's teams. Also, both Diana and Apollo have failed to contain Reiji's group. They will soon reach the exit, but I called in a certain someone to stall them until Ryo arrives... the Doktor." Gloria then paled.

"The Doktor?! He's coming here?!" She said, aghast. Leo nodded.

"He should be intercepting Reiji's group any moment now. I had little choice." He then heard a beep on his Duel Disk. He looked to see he had had a message on it, then smiled. "The Doktor is here, in position to intercept my son and the others. Now all we have to do... is wait."


"There! I can see it! The way out is just up ahead!" Shuzo called out in excitement. The group were now in a very large room with a pair of double doors on the other side.

"Just a little further and we're home free!" Yuma added with glee.

"Sorry, boy. This is a far as any of you go." Everyone halted in their steps after hearing the new voice.

"Who's there? Show yourself!" Gongenzaka bravely said. Out of a shadowed corner from the left, a tall old man with small green eyes and long white hair in a dark gray suit appeared before them all. The smile he showed (along with his overall appearance) gave everyone the impression that he just stepped out of a horror film.

"Who's the spooky looking old geezer?" Joey asked, feeling more creeped out by him than most of the others. "I thought we got past all the Guardians?" Edo, Dennis, and Sora actually felt more disturbed by his presence than Joey was.

"That man is known as "The Doktor". He is one of the Professor's closest aids and a really demented individual." Edo answered.

"I heard this guy has been working on a type of card that controls people's minds and hearts. Pretty sick if you ask me." Sora added, looking nauseous just by staring at him.

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