Chapter 21: ARC-V - PART 7

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After Reiji gave the order, the four assigned teams began to head out for battle. The LDS Team immediately left to confront their enemies in the North. The other Teams had a quick word with their friends before leaving.

"Good luck you guys." Yuma said to his friends.

"Please be careful." Ruri said with worry.

"We are counting on you." Yuto added.

"We will be fine." The Kaito from Yuma's world said.

"We got this." Gauche said confidently.

"Those Academia bastards will finally get what's coming to them." Shark added with a smirk. Rio looked slightly worried, but tried not to sound so.

"Stay safe Yuma." She said softly. Yuma smiled at her.

"You too." He said just as softly. Smiling, Rio nodded as she turned to leave with the others. Suddenly, she turned right back around, ran up to Yuma, and kissed him passionately. Though very surprised, Yuma held her as he returned the kiss, despite knowing her brother was watching. Shark himself indeed looked flabbergasted as his suspicions were confirmed. Kaito and Gauche merely widened their eyes but smiled. After ending the kiss, Rio rejoined her brother and their team for their upcoming fight. Yuma smiled after her with a very red face. Yuto and Ruri smiled at the two, then at each other as they held hands.

"We are going to have a very long talk when we get home, Rio." Shark muttered mutinously as his sister caught up.

"I know." Rio said cheerfully, no longer caring about waiting to tell him. She figured it no longer mattered if her brother was already on to her and Yuma.

"Take care of each other out there." Yusei said to his teammates and friends.

"Go kick some Academia and Sector Security ass!" Yugo encouraged.

"Show them you guys are not people to be messed with!" Rin added.

"They will most definitely regret coming here." Signer Jack said.

"We will send them all packing!" Crow added.

"Ruka and I got this!" Rua said.

"We can handle anything." Ruka said, agreeing with her brother. Aki stood before Yusei, both hands on either side of his face.

"We will be back soon. Please be there when we return." She requested. Yusei smiled as he also held Aki's face in his hands.

"I will." They then kissed briefly before Aki and the others moved out. Yusei knew they would be alright. As Yugo watched the team leave, he didn't notice Rin staring at him. Despite how much he was a pain in the ass, she longed for him to make a move on her. She waited but he was still clueless about her own feelings for him. Rin sighed inwardly, hoping they could be truly together one day like Yusei and Aki were.

"You better make sure to get out of here alive, Judai. Don't forget, we still have our rematch. Plus, the Asuka we know will probably kill me if I don't bring you back." Manjome reminded his rival. Judai chuckled.

"No worries, Manjome. Everything will be just fine." Judai assured him. The guy snorted but smirked.

"I'll keep on eye on him. You just keep your tail safe." Kenzan added.

"Be careful. All of you." Serena said.

"We will." Asuka said before turning to leave with the guys. They met up with Yugi's group for their fourth teammate. "You sure you're up for this, Tèa? This is literally war we are walking into." Tèa nodded.

"I'm doing this for Yugi, Joey, Tristan, Yuya, and Yuzu. Plus, as long as we stick together and work as a team, I know we can pull through." She said strongly. Asuka smiled at her, admiring her courage.

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