Chapter 17: ARC-V - PART 3

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"So sis, any idea when the Professor is supposed to be here?" In the throne room of Academia, two young women stood before the sacred chair and awaited the arrival of Leo Akaba. The pair had been summoned for an important announcement. One of the women, dressed in a military fashion, had long curly blonde hair with light red eyes, while the other had long silver hair, yellow eyes, and gave off a more feminine look. The blonde one turned to her sister.

"I don't know, Grace. He just said we had to be here at this time. We'll just have to wait." Grace huffed.

"Honestly Gloria, I hope it is something good. I mean, we haven't had seen much action sense our last trip to the Xyz Dimension." Grace sighed. "Fighting those Resistance Duelists did give us some entertainment. Just not enough." Gloria frowned.

"Entertaining, but pathetic. Hardly any of them put up a fight against us." Gloria and Grace both hoped that whatever the Professor planned to say would mean getting more time on the field.

"Maybe we'll be ordered to fight a stronger enemy than them?" Grace said. Gloria snorted.

"I wouldn't call those Resistance guys strong, just an annoying nuisance." She said.

"So, the Tyler Sisters have been ordered here too?" The sisters turned around to see two others entering the throne room. One was a bulky man wearing a red robe beneath a white toga. His eyes and hair could not be seen due to the orange helmet he wore. "This is surprising." The man said.

"If the Professor asked you both to be present as well, then the situation must be serious." Said the woman that accompanied her companion. She wore a white tunic and carried a golden scepter. A diadem was on top of her light purple hair, which also obscured her eyes from view. The sisters smirked at the pair.

"Apollo and Diana. Academia's two Guardian Duelists. I didn't think you both would be showing up with us." Gloria said.

"We have been given a top priority order from the Professor himself! Of course we would be here." Apollo said. Grace gave a light laugh.

"And here I thought we would be the only ones to have some fun." She replied, sounding almost disappointed.

"You think this is a game? Any order from the Professor is a sacred duty! It is not something to take lightly!" Diana said passionately. Grace still appeared bored.

"Whatever you say." Apollo and Diana didn't seem to like her carefree attitude.

"Are you looking down on us?" Diana asked in an angry tone. She sounded like she wanted to fight.

"That's enough. Just ignore my younger sister. We are all fighting for Academia, for the Arc Area Project. We shouldn't be fighting each other." Gloria butted in, ending the argument. The two guardians went silent.

"Well, maybe we can have a quick tag Duel until the Professor arrives? You know, to pass the time?" Grace offered. Gloria shook her head.

"I don't think the Professor would appreciate us having a Duel in his own throne room. We better not, plus he could be here any second." She advised, making her sister groan.

"But I'm bored, Gloria! All this waiting is really bothersome." Grace complained.

"Then perhaps you should stand aside and let me and BB here do all the work!" The group saw yet two more people arriving, meeting up with the others. One of them was Sanders, the cruel instructor that most, if not all, of the students feared. However, it was not him that made everyone extremely nervous then.

"Sanders, what the hell are you doing?! He's supposed to be locked up!" Gloria shouted as she and her sister backed away. Apollo and Diana also retreated from the individual with Sanders. Alongside him was what appeared to be a wild man with long reddish brown hair that reaches down his back. He had small yellow eyes and wore a gladiatorial shoulder pauldron on his left shoulder. The only bit of clothes he wore was a pair of torn up shorts. He growled as he sighted her and the others in the room.

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