Chapter 29: ARC-V - PART 15

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"So that's the plan. Do you really think it will work?" Yuzu asked, sounding hopeful.

"I'm certain it will. My father won't anticipate what I have cooked up. We just need to exit the building first." Reiji replied with confidence.

"I trust Reiji. If he believes his plan will work, then we mustn't doubt it." Yusho said.

"That's good enough for me." Yoko added.

"But still, it's very risky. What if something goes wrong?" Yuya asked, felling uncertain and afraid.

"We have each other, Yuya. We need to believe in one another if we are to have any chance of getting away." Yugi said firmly. The others pretty much said the same thing.

Yuya still seemed unsure until Yuzu took his hand, surprising him. "Yuya, we can do this. I know we can." She told him. Looking at her determined face, Yuya felt her confidence and finally began to let go of his doubt. He smiled and nodded at her while gripping her hand tighter.

"You're right." He said. Yuzu nodded back at him.

"Then why are we still standing around, people? Let's get a move on!" Judai declared.


"Yes Professor! None shall pass us!" The purple haired toga wearing Diana declared as she and Apollo ended their connection to Leo. Now she and her fellow Guardian awaited the arrival of the Professor's son and his associates. Diana guarded the inner door beneath the building, while Apollo was positioned at the outer door. As she stood at her post, the female Guardian Duelist thought over recent events.

She could not believe things had come to this. It had been a surprise to learn of Sora's betrayal, but now learning that Edo Phoenix and Dennis Mackfield also turned their backs on Academia was even more shocking. 'Why is this happening? Why are our people all of a sudden started becoming our enemies? Whatever the reason, they shall all pay for this!' Diana was determined to fulfill her duty to the Professor, no matter what.

A couple of minutes later, she saw them coming not too far from her position. She immediately recognized the Professor's target, Yuzu Hiragi, and her protectors, the Four Devils. With one button on her Duel Disk, she made contact with her partner. "Apollo, Reiji Akaba, Yuzu Hiragi and the others are within my sight. If by some slight chance they get past me, it will be up to you to halt their progress." She instructed.

"Understood. Between the two of us, they won't get far at all. Good luck, Diana." Apollo told her before he disconnected. Reiji, who lead the group, halted and made everyone else stop.

"Looks like like my father doesn't want us to leave from here." He said as Diana smiled.

"You are right about that, son of the Professor. Not one of you will be leaving! Not while I stand in your way!" Diana said strongly.

"And you are?" Yusho asked.

"That is Diana, one of Academia's Guardian Duelists. There are two of them. I'm guessing the other one is elsewhere." Edo said. Diana scowled at him, Sora, and Dennis.

"You! How dare you three betray the Professor?! What possible excuse could you have for such treachery?!" She demanded while pointing at the trio. Dennis chuckled before he gave an answer.

"I guess you can say that we... don't like to see certain girls mistreated."

"Having Serena kidnapped would be considered more than that, traitor!" Diana retorted.

"Kidnapped? Is that what baldy told you? Serena came with me by choice. I didn't force her into anything." Judai admitted, but Diana wouldn't hear of it.

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