Chapter 25: ARC-V - PART 11

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Right after she huffed and turned her back to her brother, Rio put a little distance between them. Kaito followed until he was beside her. "You alright, Rio?" He asked. Rio groaned as she fumed.

"I'm fine. It's my brother that's being a huge pain. I knew he wouldn't take it well when he found out about me and Yuma, but he just won't stop staring daggers at me." When she heard his loud statement for her to hear, she became quiet.

"He's your brother. I'm sure he's just being overprotective of you." Kaito said softly. He could understand that. After all, he was a big brother himself. Rio softened up a bit as she looked back at him.

"It's not the same, Kaito. You have a little brother, not a sister." The girl pointed out. Kaito shook his head.

"My point is that it is natural for siblings to be protective of each other, no matter the circumstances. Give him a little time." He suggested. Rio hoped he was right. She did love her brother, but she wanted him to understand he had no say in the matter when it came to her love life... even if that life included Yuma.

Right then and there, dark gold barriers instantly covered the two Xyz pairs. One with Shark and Gauche, the other with Rio and Kaito.

"Ryoga! Gauche!" Rio called, but got nothing.

"Can anyone hear us?!" Kaito shouted with no different results. They looked around, seeing nothing but dark golden light. "I have very bad feeling about this. Stay close, Rio." Kaito ordered as he stepped next to her.

"I don't think that's going to be a problem." Rio replied sarcastically. The trapped pair saw a darkened doorway opening. They stood ready for whatever may come through. However, they were not prepared for the figure that came out of said door... especially Kaito.

"It... It can't be! You can't be alive!" He shouted in total disbelief. The figure laughed at Kaito's shock.

"Oh, but I very much am! Time for us to catch up, young man!" The person said before activating a Duel Disk.

"Is that really him? I thought he was dead!" Rio said, extremely shocked and confused.

Kaito wanted to deny what he was seeing, but he couldn't. The green hair. The orange glasses. That pompous, arrogant smile. It was all there. "So did I." He said to himself before addressing his old enemy. "Tell me, how are you alive again Heartland?!" Mr. Heartland snickered.

"You want to know, Kaito? Then face me, boy! And you as well, young lady!" Heartland said as he spotted Rio. "You are Shark's younger sister, am I right?" He asked. Rio steeled herself.

"See the family resemblance?" She asked in return.

"Well, I don't think you will be too much trouble." Heartland said condescendingly.

"Don't underestimate me!" Rio declared as she activated her Duel Disk. "Come on Kaito! Let's beat him to a heart shaped pulp!" Sensing her fighting spirit, Kaito nodded.

"Agreed! We will take you down Heartland! Photon Change!" As Kaito activated his own Duel Disk, his normal black outfit turned white, while his left eye became red and was covered by blue markings. Rio then placed her D-Gazer on her face. Heartland simply pressed a small button on the left side of his glasses.

"AT Vision, Link established." Said a computer voice from all their Duel Disks while creating a new area for them. The trio then began their battle.


(Kaito: 4000) (Rio: 4000) (Mr. Heartland: 4000)

"The first turn is mine! My turn! Draw!" Mr. Heartland snickered. "Well well, I've got a promising hand right now. This is going to be quite entertaining." Kaito sneered.

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