Chapter 40: ARC-V - PART 26

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After Yuma and Kaito's Duel, everyone in the Resistance felt their spirits had been raised higher than they had been in a long time. They actually believed that hope for a brighter tomorrow was indeed on the horizon. Even Allen couldn't help but had much happier feelings after witnessing the exciting match.

Once the supplies had arrived from Edo's base, delivered by Yugi, Judai, Yusei, and Yuma's friends, all of the Resistance began their celebration over Academia's defeat. Everyone smiled and laughed. During this time, Yugi and the others finally learn the battles their friends had fought in through Roget's "Gauntlet"...


"Vivian Wong?! The Asian Duelist that kidnapped my grandpa?!" Yugi asked in surprise. Tèa and Asuka nodded. Joey and Tristan couldn't quite believe it either. Kaiba wasn't with them. Instead of joining in the celebration, he sought out some solitude (big crowds weren't his thing).

"That's her, and she hadn't changed one bit since then. If anything, I think she actually got worse. She was dead set on taking you for herself. Like heck we were going to let that happen." Tèa said fiercely.

"You should have seen her. Tèa was amazing. We wouldn't have beaten Vivian if she didn't believe in herself." Asuka said, praising her new friend.

"Wow, I wish I was there to see it!" Yugi told her. Tèa smiled from his kind words, but it quickly faltered. "Tèa, what's the matter?" Yugi asked, concerned by the look she had. She hesitated before she pulled out a scroll.

"Well, during our Duel, Vivian said she wanted to give you a message. And she gave me this." Tèa handed the scroll to Yugi. "When I read that, I... just couldn't believe it." She said quietly. Feeling both curious and apprehensive, Yugi opened Vivian's scroll and read it for himself.

Yugi was horrified by what he read. "No." He voiced trembled. "Vivian has... put Leon Von Schroeder in a coma?! She also attacked his older brother, Zigfried, and left him badly injured?! This... this can't be true!"

"I wish it wasn't true either, Yugi." Tèa said. "According to that scroll, she did all that just to get your attention and confront her again." Yugi gripped the scroll tighter as his anger grew.

"How could she do this, Tèa? How could Vivian have hurt Leon and his brother?! And just to get to me?!" He yelled.

"I feel your anger, Yugi. Vivian Wong has clearly become someone very dangerous." Atem told him.

'I knew she was manipulative, after what she did with my grandpa, but this?! Atem, we can't let her get away with what she did!'

"We won't. Plus, there is much we still don't know. First off, who gave her that power she used against Tèa and Asuka, and for what purpose? And why involve Leon in the first place?" The ancient pharaoh asked.

'I can't even begin to guess. I do know one thing. After we get back to our world, we need to find Vivian and help Leon!' Atem agreed completely.

"Yugi?" Tèa's voice snapped Yugi back into the real world.

"Sorry, Tèa. It's just, what Vivian did to Leon and his brother... it's so terrible." He said. Tèa nodded as she took Yugi's hand and squeezed it tight. Yugi did the same.

"I know. Leon is a good kid. We both know he deserves better than this." Tèa said. Yugi nodded.

"Yes, he does." He said determinedly. Tea nodded.

"We will track down Vivian and find a way to save him." She said.

"You bet we will, and Tristan and I will be there to help out like always!" Joey told the couple.

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