Epilogue - Part 1

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"Are you okay, Haruto?" Ruri kindly asked the little boy sitting next to her. He had yellow eyes and had short light blue hair. The boy also looked worried about something. Ruri noticed this and decided to ask him about it. Haruto looked down at the ground. They were sitting on the edge of the lake they swam in earlier in the day.

"I'm just worried about everyone being gone. Yuma, Astral, and especially my big brother. I got a feeling something bad has happened to them." He replied. Ruri gave an encouraging smile.

"You miss them?" She asked. Haruto merely nodded. "So do I. I miss my big brother too, and I'm sure he misses me a lot. He is also fighting, but I know I'll see him again someday."

"We both will." Yuto added as he joined them. "Both Ruri's brother and your brother are strong people than can take care of themselves. They will no doubt make sure everyone else is okay."

"I know Kaito very well myself." Droite said as she sat on Haruto's other side. She arrived at the campsite to help Akari after Gauche left with Kaito and the Kamishiro siblings to assist Yuma and Astral. "He will come back to you." 'And I wish to me.' She thought to herself, still wishing Kaito would have the same feelings for her that she had for him.

"This isn't the first time my little brother has gone on some crazy adventure." Akari said, sitting next to Droite. "I personally blame my dad for giving Yuma his bad habit of getting into stuff like this. Still, Yuma always comes back. I have no reason to believe that will change."

"Never believe Yuma won't come back, Haruto. Nor Kaito." Kotori said, standing by Akari.

Haruto looked up and smiled at each of the them. "Thanks, you guys." The group all smiled back at the kid. Suddenly, a bright light came forth not too far from everyone.

"What is that?!" Akari shouted. Within seconds, the light faded to reveal the annoying little boy she just talked about, along with the rest of the gang that had departed. "Yuma?!" Yuma looked to see his big sister staring at him in total surprise. He brightened instantly.

"Akari! Guys, we're back!" He shouted as he ran forward and hugged his sister.

Yuto and Ruri joined in too. "Yuma! We're so glad you're okay!" Ruri shouted.

"I knew you were strong enough to make it back." Yuto added. Kotori hugged Yuma as well.

"Welcome home Yuma!" She told him. Astral came out of the Key at this time.

"We are very fortunate to have returned alive." He said.

"Good to see you too Astral." Yuto said gratefully.

"Kaito!" Haruto practically leapt at his big brother when he was running to him.

"I'm home, Haruto." He told his precious little sibling while hugging him. Kaito didn't notice that Droite also looked happy to see him safe and sound.

"Hey Droite! How's camping life?" Gauche asked as he met up with his manager and friend. She grunted.

"It's been bearable." She answered.

"Rio! Shark! I'm glad you two are also okay!" Kotori called to her best friend and her brother. Rio came over and hugged her.

"Me too." Rio told her.

"Was there ever any doubt we would show up again?" Shark asked while smirking. Kotori smiled back. It was then she noticed the one stranger among the group.

"Who's that?" She asked, pointing at Luna. Everyone then looked at her. Luna smiled nervously.

"I'm Luna." She introduced herself to Akari and those with her. Luna recognized Kotori and Haruto, but the others were new to her.

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