Chapter 11: 5D's - PART 2

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Jack Atlas, a tall young man with spiked up blond hair and wearing white and gray riding clothes, observed Yugo and Rin's childish behavior with an apparent look of disapproval. He showed up at the penthouse just in time to see the two teens fall into the pool and started splashing one another. He didn't show it, but he was taking great pleasure at their reaction from seeing him.

As if the water had suddenly grown too hot, Yugo and Rin scrambled out of the pool and then bowed before the man they idolized, dripping wet and eyes closed. "Jack Atlas! King of Riding Duels! W-We, that is Yugo and I, a-are...s-so honored to meet you, sir!" Rin said in a rushed greeting, still visibly embarrassed.

"Y-Yeah! Rin and I, see...the thing is, we uh... never thought we'd meet you... like this! This is DEFINITELY not h-how we expected to..." Yugo followed, sounding like a boy caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

"Enough! Stand up straight, both of you!" Jack commanded.

"Yes sir!" At his word, the two straightened themselves up, eyes open, and both still scared out of their skins and soaked. Yusei and the twins stayed back and didn't say anything as they watched the fun. Jack then started walking around Yugo and Rin, still scrutinizing the pair. Neither one of them dared to speak but gulped as they followed the man with their fearful eyes. Jack stopped in front of them, his expression not changing in the slightest.

"Yugo and Rin, Yusei has informed me about you two and your situation. First off, let me make something perfectly clear. While we have many similarities, I am not the Jack Atlas of your world. However, that does not change the fact that you are in the presence of the King! As such, you will do your very best to show the upmost respect to that King! Is that understood?!" He ordered.

"Yes sir!" Said the flustered teens again. After a long moment of silence, Jack now smiled, secretly enjoying watching them squirm. When he spoke, he sounded much calmer.

"Very good. Now then, any questions?" He asked. Rin was the first to speak up, still sounding a bit squeaky.

"I, um...I have a question, sir." Rin said, her voice trembling.

"Ask Rin." Jack simply said.

"H-How... do you and Yusei...know each other?" She barely managed to say. Instead of answering, Jack pulled up the sleeve of his right arm and showed it to the duo. Yugo and Rin gasped; it was a Dragon Birthmark, like the ones Yusei and the others had. In Jack's case, it appeared to be a pair of dragon wings.

"As you can see, I also bear a Signer's Birthmark. Like Yusei, Crow, Aki, Rua, and Ruka, I too was chosen by the Crimson Dragon to help protect the world from great evil. The moment Yusei returned here with the two of you, my mark alerted me and I immediately made my way back here. I've only just arrived to see you the water." Jack said the last bit in a low tone, further embarrassing the two. Another moment of uncomfortable silence followed before Yugo finally had the nerve to talk.

"Um...Mr. King , Jack, uh..." He started, rather badly.

"Boy! You will address me as either Jack or sir! Got that?" He shouted again.

"Y-Yes, sir! Anyway, about my question..." Yugo started again, but stopped.

"Yes?" Jack asked impatiently. Yugo gulped once more he resumed talking.

"Jack Atlas... I wanted to duel you... that is, the you in our world...for a long time. So um... what I want to know is..." Yugo took a deep breath and let it out. "Can we...please have a Duel?" Rin gapped at Yugo. She didn't think he'd actually dare challenge Jack Atlas like this. He may not be the one they admired, but he had to still be the best here. She wanted to berate him for it, but she didn't dare do so with Jack around.

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