Chapter 41: ARC-V - PART 27

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"A highly advanced artificial intelligence from another world?!" Dennis asked in astonishment.

"That's incredible!" Edo exclaimed. After Dennis revealed his discovery, Yugi's group informed him and Edo about the Ignis and their involvement in them being here. They were both awestruck by the revelation. "So that's what we're dealing with now?" He asked. Judai nodded.

"Looks like it. The thing is, the Ignis we met are very friendly. This one, probably not so much." He said.

"So why would this Ignis want to harm humanity while the others obviously want to help?" Sora questioned.

"And how could it possibly pull people, alive or dead, from other worlds into this one?" Kaito inquired further.

"That's what we plan to ask Ray and the Ignis with her after we drop off Yuya and Yuzu in my world." Yugi answered.

"We should tell the others." Yuma suggested. "I mean, that bad Ignis was the reason our friends had to fight for their lives in those barriers."

"We will, Yuma. But we'll wait until we leave this world to explain this. It wouldn't be right to dampen everyone's spirits so soon after beating Leo Akaba." Yusei said.

"That's not all." Yugi said, making everyone face him.

"What is it, Yugi?" Kaito asked. Yugi hesitated for a moment before answering.

"Well, I don't think that unknown Ignis is our only threat." After briefly explaining about Ray and Zarc to Edo and Dennis, Yugi told everyone what he and Atem discovered during the Duel against Leo, and what they recently learned from Yuzu. When he was done, everyone stood in shocked silence.

"You're saying that Zarc is...?" Judai couldn't finish his question, visibly shaken. Yugi nodded grimly.

"I'm afraid he is, Judai." He said in a quiet tone.

"But we saw you destroy his last soul fragment when Yuzu beat him and saved Yuya!" Yuma said, recalling the event clearly.

"Apparently, it was only Zarc's Standard fragment inside Yuya that got destroyed. His Fusion fragment never left Yuri's physical body, even though Yuri's soul merged with Yuya." Yugi explained.

"Now he's taken control of Yuri's body and is on the move." Yusei concluded. This disturbed everyone. Edo and Dennis looked at one another, feeling very uncomfortable.

"Uh, sorry we didn't mention Yuri's coma. We never thought it mattered." Dennis said.

"If we had known about this Zarc person, we would've brought it up." Edo added shamefully.

"Don't worry about it. You guys couldn't have known." Judai assured them.

"So if Zarc is still out there, then where could he be? What is he planning to do?" Sora asked.

"We'll worry about him later. With his other fragments destroyed, Zarc can't regain his full power. Still, we should stay close to Yuya and Yuzu, just to be safe." Yugi said. Everyone nodded in agreement.

Just then, a beeping sound came from Yusei's Duel Disk. "What's that?" Dennis asked. Yusei touched the center of his Duel Disk and a message popped up.

"It's from the Jack Atlas of the Synchro Dimension. He says our match is scheduled tomorrow at noon sharp and I need be at the Riding Duel Stadium shortly beforehand." Yusei told the group.

"We shouldn't miss that!" Judai said, sounding excited again. Reiji nodded.

"I think we should all get some rest tonight, especially you Yusei." Reiji addressed him specifically. "You are the one that needs it the most." Yusei nodded.

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