Chapter 27: ARC-V - PART 13

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"You guys really are good." Asuka added, sounding impressed.

"I agree. You two did great." Tèa said, adding to Asuka's compliments to Manjome and Kenzan's dueling skills. She and Asuka just took down some of what they heard were Sector Security Duelists from the Synchro Dimension. Although, she felt inferior compared to Asuka. It must've shown on her face because the other female Duelist approached her.

"You alright, Tèa?" Asuka asked in a concerned voice. Tèa tried to shrug it off.

"Oh, it's nothing. I'm fine Asuka." She said, trying to sound like she was fine. Asuka, however, didn't seem to buy it.

"Something is bothering you. What is it?" She asked. Tèa sighed before confessing.

"It's just... even with my new and improved Deck, I don't think I'm as good as everyone else out here. Even you are better than I am." Asuka was surprised.

"Tèa, you did fine when we dueled together. Your Deck is really good, and so are you. You just need to have more faith in your skills. Sure, me and some others here are more seasoned Duelists, but you shouldn't underestimate yourself."

"But I never even got to use my best Monster against those jerks." Tèa complained.

"You'll get another chance. Believe in yourself more, and you will definitely shine." Tèa smiled from Asuka's words.

"I'll do that. Thanks Asuka." Asuka smiled as she thanked her back for listening.

At that time, Tèa and Asuka were also enveloped by a dark golden barrier. "Hey! What is this?!" Tèa yelled, sounding scared.

"I don't know. Manjome! Kenzen! Are you two still there?" Asked called, but got no answer. "They probably can't hear us." She guessed.

"So what do we do?" Tèa asked before a dark door appeared right before them. The girls glanced at one another, telling each other to be ready for anything. They watched as someone came walking of the strange entryway.

"Who are you? What do you want with us?" Asuka bravely asked. The stranger raised their Duel Disk before smiling in an unpleasant way.

"What I want... is to send a message to a certain someone. And I want you to deliver that message, if you survive that is..." The new arrival was a young dark haired woman with her hair tied into two buns. She was dressed in what seemed to be Asian attire. Tèa immediately recognized her and couldn't hide her shock.

"You're... Vivian Wong?!" She asked in complete disbelief. She had never expected to battle against her, at least in this world.

"You know her?" Asuka asked. Tèa nodded, not looking pleased.

"She's from my world. Vivian is a Duel Monsters Champion from the far east. The last time I saw her was at a tournament hosted by Kaiba. She had an obsession with Yugi." She said with great distaste. At this, Vivian giggled.

"Obsession? That is not what I would call it." She replied.

"You kidnapped Yugi's grandpa from the hospital to force him to duel you!" Tèa accused as she pointed at her. Asuka gasped at that. Vivian narrowed her eyes at Tèa.

"I remember you now. You are one of Yugi's little friends. But back to my point, I did what I had to do. Yugi Muto is the object of my desire: For him to be my love slave. But alas, I wasn't strong enough to claim him at the Kaiba Corp Grand Prix. But with the power I now have, he is as good as mine."

"What power? And how did you get here in the first place?" Asuka demanded. Vivian smirked.

"I was practicing my martial arts at my home when a strange doorway appeared. Then a disembodied voice spoke to me and asked me if I still wanted Yugi Muto. I told the voice "Of course I do!" right before I was given a major power boost in my Deck. It then told me to put my new power to the test before going after Yugi, and so here I am after going through that freaky portal thing. You two shall be the first to be crushed under my feet." Vivian declared before turning on her Duel Disk.

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