Chapter 3: FUSION - PART 1

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"Hey! Wake up slacker! I'm talking to you!" The whole class was startled by their instructor's angry tones. They could see why. One of the students, a young boy wearing a red jacket, was found laying his head down between his arms. He appeared to have been napping in class, something the teacher at the time didn't approve of. When he yelled, the boy snapped to attention. He looked startled.

"Uh...what time is it?" The boy asked as he rubbed his eyes.

"Class started ten minutes ago, and you decided to snooze during my opening lecture! How disrespectful! We here at Academia do not tolerate lazy bums who think they've got a good deal!"

"Yeah, like coming to this dump is a good deal for anyone." The boy muttered to himself.

"What did you say?" The instructor asked, still in an angry tone. The boy then looked a little panicked.

"Uh, I said I hope I don't get dumped by this pretty girl I had an eye on lately!" He said with a nervous chuckle. The teacher stared at him.

"What's your name boy?" The boy scratched the back of his head and gave a toothy smile.

"It's Judai, teach! Judai Yuki!" He answered. The instructor snorted.

"Well, Judai Yuki, you would do well to do as your teachers tell you. Otherwise, you would end up a slacker for the rest of your life." He said coldly. Judai just chuckled.

"I hear ya, teach."

"And stop calling me that! Now, if I catch you napping again, there will be Hell to pay! Do you understand, Mr. Yuki?" He yelled as slammed his hands on Judai's desk. Judai straightened up, wide eyed.

"Yep, I understand alright!" Judai responded, sounding a little too carefree for the teacher's liking. While still glaring at him, the teacher resumed his lecture. Judai, on the other hand, could care less what that stupid instructor thought.

He hated everything about this school. It wasn't anything like the one he went to all those years ago. At that place, everyone was happy and finding joy in all their Duels. Several of his old friends had the best times of their lives there. Here, on the other hand, was more like a military school than a school for teaching kids to become Pro Duelists.

'Man, it's already been two days since I walked into this hell of a school. I can't wait to get out of here.' Judai thought.

"Judai, I know how much this bothers you. But you must remain vigilant. We have a plan, and we must stick to it if we are to have any chance of getting Serena to leave with us." Yubel reminded him.

'Doesn't make this easy.' Judai pointed out. 'I hope this plan works, though.' Throughout his conversation with Yubel, a dark female looking creature with two different colored eyes, Judai appeared to be listening in the class he was currently in. Of course, being a Duel Monster spirit, no one can see of hear Yubel except for Judai.

Once the class was over, Judai headed outside for the only part of Academia that wasn't so bad: Lunch. While their teaching methods and ideals disgusted him, thankfully the food did not. He found a nice isolated spot in the courtyard to enjoy the sunshine. No one else seemed to be around...or so it seemed.

While Judai was chowing down on his meal, he was being observed from someone just outside the main hallway doors. In fact, it was the very person Judai had come for in the first place. As she studied him, Serena wondered what the deal with him was.

Two days ago, Serena watched the freshmen arrive at Academia to begin their training. Everyone seemed to be excited to come here. However, she noticed right away that one of the newbies didn't look the same way. In fact, the boy looked like he didn't want to come at all, that he felt forced to do so. That boy was who she was curious about and was watching him now.

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