Chapter 35: ARC-V - PART 21

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After the Duel had ended, the Colosseum disappeared and the surroundings of Maiami City returned. As he lay on the ground, Battle Beast kept thinking what just taken place. He could not believed this had happened. He was defeated! He could not defeat his latest prey! Now he would be doomed. His freedom was beyond his reach. In all his life, he never fought against such powerful foes... particularly the one in the red jacket. Battle Beast glanced up as said Duelist, along with Edo, now stood above him.

"Judai, are you sure you want to do this?" Edo asked. He sounded cautious. Battle Beast wondered what he meant. Judai nodded.

"Yeah, I'm sure." He replied, sounding firm. Edo nodded back as he moved away a little.

Battle Beast continued to lay there, unwilling to move, knowing his end was inevitable. "Whatever you are going to do to me... just do it." He said in a rasp, resigned to whatever fate awaited him. "I have lost. I have nothing more to fight with."

Judai and Edo both looked down at him with pity... more Judai so than Edo. The young man was more than ready to grant his wish.

"Alright." Judai said softly as his eyes changed color, to Battle Beast's and Edo's surprise. His right eye now glowed orange, while his left eye glowed green. "Battle Beast... this is what you deserve... after everything." Judai said as he pushed a button on his Duel Disk, which covered the Battle Beast in orange and green light, same as Judai's eyes, before he vanished from sight.


When the light faded, Battle Beast found himself in a lush, green forest. No other human was present. At first, he did not understand what had just occurred. He doubted this was what happened when a person got sealed into a card. Besides, the light that came from Judai Yuki's Duel Disk wasn't dark purple like it was supposed to be.

He then gazed around to see other creatures up and about in the forest, such as squirrels, birds, and butterflies. This further confused him. Battle Beast then heard something not too far off... the sound of waves crashing into the shoreline. He slowly, but cautiously, walked to the source. Once he brushed past the trees, he saw a vast ocean. The sight marveled him. What really surprised him was seeing a very town nearby. A town with boats coming in and out to sea.

That's when he finally understood the truth. Judai Yuki didn't card him like he expected. Instead, he somehow sent him back to the Fusion Dimension. And even more incredibly, he wasn't on the island Academia was at. He was on the mainland! He couldn't believe it! He started to smile, knowing what really happened. He started to cry joyful tears. He was free! He was FINALLY free!

He didn't have to worry about the Professor or Academia ever again! He could at last live his own life! With a long happy cry, the Battle Beast ran back into the forest, running far from civilization, to enjoy the freedom he longed for so long...


Once Battle Beast was gone, Judai's eyes returned to normal.

"You did the right thing, Judai." Yubel, the Duel Monster that had the same colored eyes Judai had just a second ago, told him.

'I know. Thanks for lending me your power to do it, Yubel.' Judai replied. Yubel nodded back, smiling. Edo was still mystified.

"Judai... What was up with your eyes just now?! And is Battle Beast really...?" He couldn't finish the question. Judai turned to him and chuckled.

"Trust me, there's a long story for the answer to your first question. As for the second, yeah... he's where he is meant to be. I told ya earlier. After hearing about Battle Beast wanting to be free from Academia, I wanted to help give it to him. All I needed was that Dimension Move program in my Duel Disk and I would do the rest." Edo trusted him to know he was telling the truth.

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