Chapter 38: ARC-V - PART 24

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"The energy pulse has finally vanished." Lightning said just as the image returned at last. They saw that Yugi Muto, Yuya Sakaki, and Reiji Akaba were now standing victorious over Leo. Lightning had been unsuccessful in removing the pulse it himself during the whole time the Duel took place. The disturbance had been twice as hard to deal with when a second and far more powerful pulse overlapped the first one. Now suddenly, both had disappeared. The Ignis could not make sense of any of it. At least all of the fighting seemed to have ended now.

"Looks like we missed all the good parts." Zarc sighed, wishing he had seen the moment Ray's father had been dealt the finishing blow. "Still, at least he looks like he had a very bad day. Though I wish he actually died in that Duel." He said with a wicked smile.

"Maybe you can get to have that honor at some point." E'Rah told him, smiling wickedly herself. Zarc smiled at her.

"I would like that... after I dispose of Ray's fragments." He said, eagerly looking forward to that moment.

Lightning then shut off his surveillance, believing it would no longer be necessary. He would know when that Airship of theirs will make it's next voyage, thanks to his new ability. "With Leo Akaba finished, it will only be a matter of time before Yugi Muto and the others leave that world. When they do... we will spring our trap." Lightning said, gleefully anticipating to put his plan into action...


"Father..." Ray said softly in sorrow. She and those with her just witnessed her father being struck down by Yugi's Egyptian God card. In the brief instant before Leo's defeat, Ray allowed her father to see her through the image window. He seemed so desperate to reach her, but she knew it wasn't possible. Ray wanted him to see for himself that she disapproved of all he did. Maybe now he got the message.

"That was the most intense Duel I've ever seen! Yugi used not one, but two Egyptian God cards!" Daitokuji said in amazement.

"They were needed for their victory." Earth told him.

"Damn right they were." Flame said, satisfied that Leo got what he deserved.

"Are you alright, Ray?" Aqua asked, placing a hand on the woman's shoulder. Ray smiled at the female Ignis. She knew Aqua was concerned for her because she just witnessed what happened to her father.

"I will be... once this whole nightmare is over." She told her.


Leo groaned from the pain his body felt from Osiris's final attack. His eyes were closed and his teeth gnarled. He could not believe what had just happened. He lost. He, the Professor of Academia, it's leader, defeated. He opened his eyes and glared hatefully at the trio responsible for his downfall.

His son, Reiji, who he saw as nothing but someone unworthy to be a part of his ruined family. Yuya Sakaki, the Standard Dimension fragment of Zarc, the Demon Duelist. His hatred for him doubled when he learned that Yuri became a part of him under mysterious circumstances. Finally, Yugi Muto... the one that delivered the crushing blow. The one that led the others to keep Ray's fragments from him. He hated them, and everyone that had fought against him in this war. He hated them all.

Along with his growing fury, he also felt a stab of confusion and uncertainty. For a split second, he actually thought he saw Ray looking down on him... before turning away. Why would she, his one and only child, turn from the man that raised her? Didn't she know that he was trying to bring her back? Did she forget that he loved her? He knew Ray would never desert him.

Then again, he never imagined that she would steal the four Nature cards he made to stop Zarc. Using them to stop that demon was supposed to be his task, not Ray's. Ray told him that he would be needed more for the future. He never accepted that. The future meant nothing to him without his daughter there by his side. He also would never believe that she would call on a group of outsiders to disrupt his plans to fix everything. 'Yugi was lying. He was! He has to be! There is no way that my daughter would ever turn against me! I will NEVER believe that!'

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