Chapter 24: ARC-V - Part 10

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"Everything seems to check out on my end. How about you, Dr. Faker?" The dirty blonde man in question, Dr. Faker, turned to the long silver haired young man opposite him.

"Same here, V. All systems seems to be at top efficiency." He replied, sounding pleased. He then sighed.

"Something wrong, Doctor?" V asked. The older man chuckled.

"Oh, its nothing. It is just that I wish I could be at that camping trip with Kaito and Haruto." He truly wanted to be with his sons. It was not as if he was too busy to take time off for his family. The thing was on the evening prior to the trip, he got an alert from his friend and V's father, Tron, that an anomaly had occurred in their lab in Heartland City. He agreed to come and take a look, regrettably telling his sons that he couldn't make it. Though, nothing had happened since. Still, Dr. Faker didn't want to take chances. V understood.

"They know why you chose to stay. Anything unusual about the inter-dimensional gateway is not something that can be ignored. But so far, I don't detect a single..." He was interrupted when the gateway suddenly started itself up, shooting out blue energy spikes "What the hell?! What's happening?!" He yelled, surprised by this.

"I don't know! V, help me contain the energy output! Quickly!" Together, the duo made sure none of the equipment was damaged or destroyed. After several seconds they managed to stabilize the machine. However, before either man could try to shut it down, a figure fell through and hit the floor. The figure lay facedown, so their face could not be seen.

"Is that... a person?!" Dr. Faker shouted in shock. He and V then saw that the gateway was beginning to expand and more energy spikes erupted. Now they were dark red. "V, we have to shut it down! NOW!" He yelled in panic.

"I'm working on it!" V yelled back. Despite their efforts, the darkness continued to grow and seemed about to come through. In desperation, V ran to the power output cables and disconnected them from the device. Instantly the gateway was finally offline and the energy dissipated. After a quick check, Dr. Faker and V began to relax. "It is done. The gateway is shut down. With the power disconnected, it shouldn't fire up again. I strongly suggest we keep it that way until we can discover the cause."

"Agreed." Dr. Faker agreed wholeheartedly. Once the danger had passed, the two then rushed over to the unknown person that came out. V turned the figure over and realized it was a teenage girl with hair that was long in the back while the hair on her head was light pink. She wore a circular green pendent around her neck. "Who is she? And where did she come from?" The older man asked.

"I don't know, but she seems to be alive and has suffered no injuries." They paused when the girl stirred. Slowly, her eyes opened, revealed to be the same green as her pendent. She gasped when she saw the older man.

"Dr. Faker! You're alive! I can't believe it! It worked! I made it!" The girl said, sounding relieved as she got to her feet. V was perplexed, but not as much as Dr. Faker.

"You... know me?" He asked, surprised that his newcomer knew his name. The girl then stared at him, confused.

"Of course I do. It's me, Luna. Don't you remember? I'm your assistant." Dr. Faker stared at V, who seemed just as stunned as he was. Dr. Faker looked back at the girl.

"Young lady, I have never seen you in my life." The girl, Luna, gapped at him.

"What? No, that can't be right. I should only have gone back a little more than a year. I know I had been working for you around that time! Why don't you remember me?" She started to sound frantic.

"Luna, tell us what is going on. Where did you come from? And how did you get here?" V asked. Luna turned to V, now looking worried.

"Something must've gone wrong during the transit. Maybe I didn't... travel the way I hoped." Luna said to herself.

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