Chapter 16: ARC-V - PART 2

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"Yuya... I don't know what's wrong with you. But I believe you're still there! If you are..." Yuzu then slipped on and activated her own Duel Disk. "Then I will save you!" She strongly declared. "Yuya" gave a nasty grin.

"I was hoping you wouldn't be a coward. And now... let us begin." Yugi, Shuzo, Yusho, Reiji, and everyone else now had no choice but to watch the battle that was about to unfold. The two Duelists stared down at one another. One wanting to kill, the other wanting to save. Who would prevail? That was the question on everyone's mind as their fight began...


(Yuzu: 4000) ("Yuya": 4000)

"I'll allow you to go first. That way, I will prove that no matter what you try, it is meaningless against me." "Yuya" said condescendingly. Yuzu narrowed her eyes.

"I don't believe that at all. Nothing is meaningless! The Yuya I know would never say such a thing! I will definitely prove you wrong! My turn!" Yuzu then studied her cards. And opportunity had presented itself. 'Even Yuya wouldn't know what I'm about to do.' She was confident that "Yuya" would not be expecting what she planned.

"How is Yuzu going to get Yuya back?" Yoko asked, still desperately worried for her son.

"We have to believe in her." Yusho replied to his wife. Reiji was still very curious about Yuya's sudden change. He did hope that Yuzu would pull through some how. He watched while keeping to himself.

Sora thought the same thing. This would be the best time to put her recent training to the test... he just wished it wasn't against a brainwashed Yuya.

"Here I go! I activate Polymerization, which lets me Fuse Solo the Melodious Songstress Prodigy and Prodigy Mozart the Melodious Maestra for a Fusion Summon! Angel's song! Supreme genius! With the guidance of the baton, gather your power! Fusion Summon! Now come here to the stage! Sing the song of victory! Bloom Diva the Melodious Floral Saint!" (LIGHT; Level 6; ATK: 1000; DEF: 2000). Yuzu's Fusion Monster looked like a gray haired blue eyed fairy dressed in a sleeveless dress with large pink ribbons. "I then Set 1 card facedown and end my turn!"

Everyone was surprised by this, or rather... almost everyone. "Yuzu can Fusion Summon?! Since when?!" Gongenzaka asked, bewildered. Sora smirked.

"I taught her." Most of the group turned to him questioningly. "During the past two days, I've been secretly training Yuzu how to Fusion Summon. I thought it would make her strong enough to protect herself incase someone came after her again. I wanted her to be prepared. Yugi was the only other who knew."

"That was a good call." Yugi commented.

"Not bad." Reiji commented.

"Why did you guys keep it a secret?" Shuzo asked, annoyed that his own daughter kept this from him. Sora shrugged.

"I didn't want to risk Academia finding out if we were being watched." The boy replied. "Yuya" didn't seem as surprised as the others. In fact, he snorted.

"So you've learned to Fusion Summon. You think that will give you an edge? How delusional. That fairy is weak! I will easily crush it into pixie dust! My turn! Draw!" "Yuya" smirked. "This is the beginning of your torture! First, with the Scale 1 Stargazer Magician and the Scale 8 Timegazer Magician, I Set the Pendulum Scale! I can now Summon monsters with Levels 2 through 7!" Alongside the dark robbed Timegazer Magician, a white clad Magician appeared in the Pendulum Zones. "Pendulum Summon! Appear! Wondrous and beautiful dichromatic eyes! Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!" "Yuya"s 2500 Attack Point Ace Monster had appeared to do its master's bidding. "Battle! Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon, attack Bloom Diva! Spiral Strike Burst!" Without hesitating, "Yuya" began the Battle.

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