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In his throne room, Leo Akaba, the Professor of the Fusion Dimension's Duel Academia, stood and watched over his greatest creation: ARC-V. This machine would be his tool to bring back everything he had lost; the Original World he called home, and even more importantly, his daughter Ray.

This was where the Arc-Area Project came in. By invading the other Dimensions and sealing thousands of people in those Dimensions into cards, their life force would be use to power ARC-V for the purpose of fusing the 4 Dimensions back into one. That same life force would also be used for Revival Zero, the initiative to revive Ray.

So far, everything was going as planned. The first Invasion of the Xyz Dimension was successful and collecting a strong number of sealed cards for the project. There were still survivors, but he knew it was only a matter of time before they were finished there. Then they will move on to the other Dimensions. Before that, he had gotten confirmation from his spy in Xyz that he found the girl he was ordered to locate.

Leo knew that, in order to revive his daughter, he needed to find her fragments. When the Original Dimension had split into 4, so had Ray. As a result, each Dimension had a girl who shared Ray's face and one of the four bracelets used to defeat the Demon Duelist, Zarc.

The man clinched his fists in anger as he recalled that monster. He was the reason all this happened in the first place, the reason Leo lost everything...including his precious daughter. When he found out that Ray had split into 4 pieces, he also discovered that Zarc had also split into 4 fragments as well. He knew they would have to be eliminated with extreme prejudice should they cross his path.

Fortunately, Leo had already found both of their fragments in this Dimension. One of them he had to keep under lock and key the whole time, even when she was being rebellious toward him. He smiled a bit from that. He remembered Ray being just as much a handful when she was young. He missed all those days he saw her grow up into a remarkable young woman. Soon, that young woman will be by his side once more, just like old times...

"You wanted to see me, Professor?" Leo tuned to see who had spoke to him. He did his best to not frown upon the young man's sight. Standing before him was the other fragment he found. The boy was around fourteen and had violet and pink hair, and wore a purple military like uniform. He displayed a cruel smile.

"Yuri, I have a very important assignment for you. I just received word from Dennis Mackfield in the Xyz Dimension. He says he has located a girl I instructed him to find. Meet up with him there, and he will lead you to her. Once you have that girl, bring her back here to Academia alive and unharmed."

"You do not want me to card her like the others, Professor?" Yuri asked, curious as to what made this girl so special as to not be carded.

"Absolutely not. She is not to be damaged in any way. I have important plans for her that require her to be in perfect health. Card anyone that gets in your way, but that girl MUST NOT be harmed! Is that understood, Yuri?" Leo demanded. Yuri still smiled as he bowed.

"Understood, Professor. I won't fail you." Yuri then pushed a button on his Duel Disk and disappeared into blue particles of light. Leo sighed as he turned back to look at his machine.

While he despised Zarc, and by extension his fragments, he admired Yuri's loyalty to him. He had yet to fail an assignment, considering he was on of his best soldiers. Still, Leo felt justified in using Yuri's power to help get his Project underway. He was interrupted again by another of his followers. "What is it?" Leo asked as a viewing screen appeared before him.

"Professor, our spy network in the Synchro Dimension has just found a girl matching Lady Serena's face and wearing a bracelet on her right wrist." Leo nodded.

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