Chapter 42: Dance for me

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3rd person poor

Martha as promised made it in time for the last class. She smiled entering the dance studio. She was wearing what she was wearing in the morning but this time with wireless headphones and the latest iphone x in her hand.

"Mari-bug" Chloe says tackling the girl into a hug.

"Hey Chloe" she greets as she is dragged towards the others.

"Hey martha/melody/m/ Mari-san/Angel/starlight" they greeted her.

"Hi guys" she says smiling.

"See you didn't bother trying today Marinette" Lila says pointing at her outfit. "What were you doing anyway hookingup with some guy for some money"

"Hello to you too Lila" she says motioning for her friends and family to stay out of this. "Yes Lila I was making money today by not through those means. Also if you haven't noticed my name is Martha, Martha Wayne, daughter of billionaire Bruce Wayne. I really don't need to hookup with some guy to make money. And I never actually try to look good it comes naturally unlike some people do I have to remind you your trending as the witch of Gotham due to the melting incident thanks again Chloe remind me to thank Babs and Tim for that later"

By the time she's done Lila is red in both anger and embarrassment as everyone minus the French class laughed at her.

"Alright students settle down" the teacher says coming into the room. "Today we're going to let the French class decide what we will do"

Everyone immediately looks at Lila completely ignoring the MPS.

"Dance battle" she says smirking as she looked at Martha. "With her and him"he says pointing at Martha and Jon. "Against me and Adrien"

"Ok/sure" Martha and Jon reply.

"Alright both of you have five minutes to prepare y'all's self"the teacher says."who's going first"

"Me of course" Lila says.

"Anything in mind starlight" Jon asks hugging her from behind.

"You my dear talentless kent are going to follow my lead" she says teasingly.

"Hey" Jon exclaims. "I'm not talentless"

"Your right you have a lot of talents" Marinette says.

"Like what" he asks smirking.

"Okay times up"  the teacher says. "Sausage hair your up"

Lila groans as her and Adrien go up stage.

It was simple but not that bad. Martha smirks taking Jon's hand and pulling him forward.

"This is where you being a superhero comes in handy in your normal life now just follow my lead and you'll be okay" Martha whispers into his ear as she positions him.

Everyone was of course impressed. Lila huffed.

"You only won because you had your little boyfriend to help you" Lila says.

"So what I'm hearing is you want to do a one on one" Marinette asks smirking.

"Yes I want to do a one on one in hip-hop" she says.

"Very well Lila you could start us of if you want to" she says. Lila once again positions herself.

Well let's just say she tried some really complicated moves and failed miserably. Martha smiled going to the front and taking a deep breath.

(Okay so you gonna choose your favourite dancer)

Martha finished it of giggling. She had most of the class blushing including Jon. Damian was still trying to snap him out of his trance. Cass and Steph laughed high fiving each other.

The MPS, especially Chloe, wooped.

"You go girl" Chloe shouted.

A blush could be seen from Adrien causing Marinette to gag. The rest of the class looked at her in anger and Lila huffed crying saying Martha had cheated.

"How the heck did she cheat it's not her fault you bad at dancing" Zoey shouts fist bumping Alix as Martha smiles. She makes her way back to her friends group.

"Good thing I brought a change of clothes" she says laughing.

"Really where are they" Bridgette asks.

"In your bag" she says smirking as her siblings snicker.

"Martha" she groans laughing.

"Umm about your boyfriend" Chloe says pointing to a still frozen Jon.

"May I please slit the perverts throat" Damian asks through his teeth.

"No you may not just dump s bucket of cold water or ice on him" Martha says rolling her eyes.

"Wait you really going to let us do that" Chloe asks eyes widening before she runs out the room closely followed by Damian.

"So I'm having a sleepover at the manor you guys want to come, and I'm officially inviting you to the gala" Martha says smirking as some of their eyes widen.

"Heck yeah" Allan and Claude says.

"Yes" the rest say at the same time.

"Wait we have nothing to wear"Zoey says.

"Why do you think I was absent for most of the day I have already taken care of all your clothes"she says as Chloe and Damian come back into the room somehow have found a bucket of ice and dumping it on jon who screams.

"Where the heck did you get a bucket of ice" he says screaming. Everyone laughs at his reaction.

"So it settled sleep over today, spar day tommorow and gala tommorow night" Stephanie says "the boys can hang out with Jason and Dick. Bruce will probably be busy"

"Okay everything is already planned" Martha says smiling.

"So what are we talking about" Chloe asks making everyone giggle.


Yey another chapter done. Hope you liked it. please vote and comment.

Jenny ❤️❤️❤️

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